‹ Prequel: She Will Be Loved

Face Down

Bathrooms Are Scary Places

Movement was heard outside of Sam's door. She opened her eyes and looked around the room. It was dark out, meaning she had slept through most of the day.

She rolled over in her bed and grabbed her phone. She had missed calls and several texts, most from Fitz, Clare, and Imogen.

As she scrolled through them, she noticed a text from Imogen that really caught her eye.

From: Imogen M.
Saw Eli.. Isnt he ur ex? He was at drug store

Why would Eli be in a drug store? Was he on some kind of medicine she didn't know about? Of course, by now there were probably many things she didn't know about her ex. He could have turned into a whole different person. But that kiss.. that kiss was something different. It gave her hope that he was going to find a way to get her out of this trap she was in. If he didn't, Sam feared the worst.

Sam sat up and got dressed then walked downstairs. "Oh, you're awake!" Jordan grinned and hugged his little sister.

"Yeah.. what happened?" Sam rubbed her head, starting to feel a small headache coming on.

Jordan bit his lip, something he and his sister did quite often. "Mark brought you home and said and you fell off of Clare's front steps."

He would say that.. "Alright. I guess I did." She nodded and sat down. She looked out the window in the kitchen. The sun was already trying to come up.

"Hey, want to come with me later? I have to go into the next down for a little while." Jordan stuck a piece of toast in his mouth and continued on writing something in his notebook.

Sam sighed. "I would, but I have to study with Fitz tonight. I bailed on him last night."

"I really don't think you should date him, Sam."

"Not your choice, is it?" Sam stole the other half of the toast and walked out the door. Maybe Degrassi in the early hours of the morning would help her think. Away from her family and if she were lucky; her friends as well.

Not that she didn't like her friends, it was the fact she couldn't tell anybody about how she was treated. She couldn''t just go up to somebody random, they'd call the police. She really didn't want police involved with this.

Sam walked up the Degrassi steps and watched the sun shine in the glass doors. A few police men were walking around inside, and a few students among them. Those were the students with early activities, like the ones Sam should have. Instead, she's usually at home, sleeping the morning away.

She sat down near the top and wondered how her life could change so much in the past few years. Her life being a lie.. But she promised herself she wasn't going to pout over it, she wanted to make more memories. She didn't like dwelling on the past. What about the now?

A door opened and somebody stood beside her. "You alright?" Anya's voice came.

Sam shook her head and played with the strap on her bag. "Not really, no."

Anya took a seat and watched Sam. How pathetic she looked. "Need a break from life?" She asked.

Sam took in a deep breath and nodded. "Yep. I need a break from everything. But, there is no possible way to get away from all this, so I'm screwed."

Anya put a hand on her knee. "It'll be okay, kid. Hey, tonight want to come larping with me? It's a sort of role playing. We're saying good-bye to those leaving and hello to new members."

Sam thought this over for a minute. LARPing was something she always wanted to try. Role playing just always seemed like a fun activity. And people would get off her back for needed extra time out of her house. "Sure," She finally agreed.

"Great! Meet me after school and I will hand over the address to which we have thy ceremony!" She squealed and then ran off inside.

Anya.. Somebody Sam thought would never speak to her again. She was a Senior. Graduating this year. The blue collared shirt said so.

Kids starting piling into the school. Pulling up in nice cars, torn up trucks, walking, or even being dropped off by parents. She saw Riley and Zane get out of Riley's mom's car. They waved a good-bye and then held hands into the school. Then, Drew and Adam's mom pulled up. They got out with Adam not saying a word to Samantha.

Wesley, Alli, Sav, Holly J. Each walked by her with no word to her. Had she become the school's most hated student? This couldn't be.

Finally, Fiona walked by with a small wave and a smile. This made Samantha a little better. At least she looked at her, I mean, nobody else even looked her way.

Sam stood up and went inside. The halls were busy with kids running to see friends, running to see boyfriends or girlfriends, or just running to be running. Wesley, Dave, and Conner all stood to the side and whispered over something with two girls. One known as Sadie, and the other known as Hannah.

Anya, Holly J, and Fiona were laughing at Fiona's locker. Probably talking about boys or fashion.. and how Sam had known. She felt like everybody was talking about her. Everywhere she turned, people would whisper about her, laugh at her. Point at her behind her back and then smile when she turned around. This wasn't a good feeling.

Sam bit her lip and slipped into the girls bathroom. "Damn it," She muttered as she leaned against the door.

"Having trouble?" Bianca stepped out of a stall, rubbing her hands together and then stuffing something into her pocket.

"What do you care?" Sam walked over to the sink and ran water over her hands.

Bianca walked over to the sink beside her and fixed her hair in the mirror. "You're dating that.. Fitz person. Aren't you?"

"Once again, why do you care?" Sam asked.

"You seem to like troubled boys. You're trouble yourself, aren't you?" Bianca fixed her make up, running her fingers under her eyes to get extra eye liner off.

Sam sighed and dried her hands on a towel. "Really? Are you just going to ask me questions?"

"You're doing the same thing, sweetie." She laughed.

Samantha rolled her eyes and threw the paper towel away. "I am going to ask one more time. Why are you talking to me?"

Bianca smirked. "Because I can help you. You are having rough times. Need time away from school, friends, family, life."

"How do you know that?"

"I've been there, babe. I can show you a whole new world. Fuck teachers. Fuck family. I'm the only one that can help you right now." She looked back into the mirror and played with her hair again.

"How can you help me? We've barely spoken to each other." Sam crossed her arms.

Bianca turned back around and dug something out of her pocket. "What do you think?"

Samantha's eyes grew bigger. "Drugs?"

"Unless you think you're too good for them. I mean, they help me so much. When Drew and I broke up, I started on this. It was so much fun I kept doing it. Just.. not too much. I found that out the hard way." She made a face and then threw the small packet over to Sam whom caught it by a reflex. "Try it." Bianca raised her eyebrows and then walked out of the bathroom.

Samantha stood there with the drugs laying in her hand. She couldn't.. Could she?
♠ ♠ ♠
Woop, woop! Sorry for the late update.. I know I said like.. what a week ago? But I had no ideas. FINALLY I was struck with some! Anyways..

*Big Announcer Voice*
Next Chapter Of Just Friends...

Does Samantha take the drugs Bianca gave her and become new best friends?
What was Eli doing at the drug store? Is HE on drugs, too?!!?!!
Will anything EVER speak to Samantha again?!
And will Fitz find the drugs even if Samantha DOESN'T take them!?

*end announcer voice.*
*cute little girly voice*
Update? Comment? *grin*