Status: Active if people post more

What If?

A Surprise Visitor


Have you ever wondered what would happen if your favorite fictional character showed up at your house randomly? I did to, until it actually happened! You're probably wondering "How? They're fictional, not real". Well, I have no idea how or why. It just did. Now before I get ahead of myself let me tell you the story of how I met my best friend ever.

I had just slipped on my flip flops and walked outside. It was just like any old Summer's day. Last night it had rained so the ground was moist and it smelled like wet desert, which to those of you who have never experienced it it's a very pleasant scent. I was dressed in a blue, spaghetti strapped, tank top and black, blue basketball shorts that came to my knees and a leather belt that my dad made for me with my ridiculously huge buck knife and my grandfather's old leathermen (multipurpose knife) on it. The buckle had two dragons with a Celtic cross in between. I save my good belt and actual rodeo buckle for when I go to town. My long, blond hair was up in its usual low ponytail. Bat Country was stuck in my head because I had just been listening to my favorite "non-Country" band which is of course Avenged Sevenfold. I hummed it as I walked down the road, crossed the small creek and up to the barn. Mom and Dad were off on some weekend trip for their anniversary, so it was just me and the animals.

As I got to the barn a familiar whinny greeted me as Kiddo, my beloved black and white paint, stuck his head over the mesquite wood, corral fence. I couldn't help but smile as I jogged the rest of the way to the gate. Kiddo was there and I rubbed his forehead. He was a great, big pet who always wanting attention. After petting him I walked over to the saddle house. It was an old, tiny, wooden building that we kept out tack in. I found the bridle we usually used on him and took it off the nail it was hanging on. Thankfully Kido is very easy to catch and he just stood there as I put the bridle on and latched the throat latch. I told him what a good boy he was as I walked him over to the large, concrete feed bunk so I could get on. Curse my shortness!!!! I know, I know, "She rides bareback with shorts and flip flops?!". All I can say is don't knock it 'til you've tried it. I've been doing it for a lota years and Kiddo is as bomb proof a horse as you'll ever find. Besides, I was staying close to the house anyway.

So I hopped up on his back, we opened the gate and away we went. There were some cows in a large corral that Dad always kept open so they could get a drink form the drinkers in there. It had two of three sycamore huge trees in there and was probably half the size of a rodeo arena. We rode down in there to look at the cows just for shits and giggles. Course had I been on foot I wouldn't have been able to get as close as we did. Cows are terrified when they see a person on foot because they aren't use to them...and because they aren't exactly the sharpest tool in the mammalian shed if you get what I mean. The cows looked healthy and there was two or three cute calves. Kiddo and I rode back out of the corral, past the barn and the house and continued on down the road. Not long after we passed the house, Dad's cow dogs began to howl mournfully like they always do when someone goes riding and doesn't take them. Kiddo was surprisingly well behaved, not having one of his stubborn fits because he doesn't want to go anywhere.

All was peaceful, the birds were singing, bugs were making their usual noises, and clop clop clop of Kiddo hooves on the dirt road. There were trees and brush all around us that blocked my view of the creek that followed the road. I sighed contently. Riding was one of my favorite things to do. I loved the feel of freedom, the horse between my legs and the feel of the two reins in my hand. For anyone who's never done it before, I highly recommend it!

We peaked over the top of a hill and as I looked down at the bottom the normality of the day came crashing down around my ears. I saw a tired looking, black haired man walking our way. He was dressed in all black and it didn't seem to be normal styled clothing, a long sleeved shirt, a leather vest and loose, leather pants. On his back was a black traveling cloak, quiver and a long bow and at his hip was what looked to be a hand-and-a-half sword. (Call me a nerd, but yes I'm fascinated by old weapons, particularly swords!) My hand flew to my knife on my left hip. For some reason this stranger looked oddly familiar but I couldn't for the life of my think where. Surely if I had met a guy dressed like this before, one would think I would remember! My first instinct was not to trust him. Living an hour away from civilization, we don't get many visitors, specially not ones dressed so strangely. But in the end, curiosity got the better of me and we rode closer, my hand ever leaving my knife.

"Hello? Can I help you?", I called down.

He had already seen me and had stopped as Kiddo and I drew closer. From his posture, he didn't trust me as much as I didn't trust him.

"Yes, I think you can. Where am I?" he asked warily.

Just then my eyes went wide. Wait a Goddamn, cotton picking minute! I knew that voice! But that's impossible!! I rode closer and sure enough it was Murtagh from Christopher Paolini's Inheritance series or more than likely Garrett Hedlund dressed up as him. But in Sam Hill would he be wandering around the Arizona desert dressed as Murtagh?!?!

"Holy shit! How in Hellfire did you get here?!" I gasped.

"Honestly, I have not the faintest idea. I feel asleep and then woke up here in the middle of the road eight miles back", his blue eyes looked over me suspiciously.

I was completely baffled at this point. Either way he had obviously been walking in the desert for quite some time and he was probably tired and thirsty.

"Get on, my house isn't far away. We can go back and you can call your agent or whoever. It's not good to be out in the heat so long", I said holding out my hand and he gave me a confused look.

He eyed me warily before grabbing my hand and expertly pulling himself up behind me. The man clearly knew his way around horses.

"Who are you?" he asked as we headed for home.

"Jessi O'Broin", I replied.

After a pause he said,"I'm Murtagh".

My heart stopped. No, it couldn't be!! Had Garrett lost his mind?!? This could be the oh so sexy Murtagh who had captured my imagination so long ago when I first read Eragon! It was impossible! But I was't about to say that, the guy was suspicious enough as it was and if he went running off into the desert the likely hood was slim to none that he would survive even with the recent rains.

"So where do you come from?" I asked trying to make small talk.

"A place much different than this", he said simply.

Well, even if this wasn't Murtagh, which it couldn't be, he certainly acted like him.

We turned a corner and reached the house. Garrett/Murtagh's eyes went wide as he looked around. When his gaze fell on the big, white Dodge truck sitting in front the yard he had the most peculiar look. It was like he'd never seen one before.

"What is that?" he asked.

"My family's 06 Dodge Ram truck", I replied.

"What?" he looked at me like I was speaking another language.

Well this was certainly off my weird scale, and that takes a lot! If I didn't know better I'd saw it was Murtagh.

Brushing it off we went down to the barn where I took the bridle off Kiddo and gave him a bit of grain just to spoil him. He happily munched away as we walked up to the house. We walked and were met by my tiny orange tabby cat Star, who greeted us with her usual purring, chirp thing. I scooped her up, gave her a kiss on the head before putting her down and fixing two glasses of water. My new friend looked around like he had stepped on to a new planet.

"Are you ok?" I asked handing him a glass.

He looked at it strangely. I was beginning to thing the heat had gotten to his head.

"It's just water. Drink it. You need it" I said before taking a sip from my own glass.

He slowly took it, sniffed it and took a cautious drink.

"Thank you", he said after determining I hadn't poisoned it or whatever.

Just then my cell phone went of on the windowsill in my room, it played Deadwood Mountain by Big and Rich. In the blink of an eye, Murtagh had his sword drawn and pointed towards the hallway to my room.

"Whoa! It's just my phone", I said putting my hand on the flat part of the blade.

He looked at me curiously. I walked into my room and saw that I had a text from my friend Catie.

'Hi. wats up?', it said.

'Ummm something REALLY weird actually'.

I explained the whole situation.

"...Jess r u sure ur ok?'

'Honestly ive been wondering bout that. but i swear im not crazy...well that crazy at least!'

I stepped into the hallway and took a picture of him staring at the sink before sending it to her.

'holy shit u werent kidding! lol'

'toldya so! lol'

'wat r u gonna do with him?'

'i was thinking bout all those dirt band jokes we always make lol should i test them out on him?' I joked.

'hahahahahaha that might not be such a good idea jess'

'i no lol'

I heard a loud crash in the kitchen followed by cursing.

'hey ill text you later. i heard a loud crash in the kitchen so ima try to keep him from destroying the place lol'

'lol ok good luck! XP'

'thanks l8rz'


I set the phone back on the sill and went back into the kitchen to find him playing with the microwave.

"What is all of this?" he asked.

"Umm technology?" I answered.

He gave me a weird look. Ok time to settle this once and for all, who in Hellfire was this guy?!?!?!?

"Ok come here", I said taking his arm and pulling him into the living room.

I sat him down on the couch and I sat in the chair.

"So I don't mean to be rude or anything but you sound absolutely insane", I said seriously.

"What do you mean?"

"Well Murtagh is a fictional character in Christopher Paolini's books Eragon, Eldest and Brisinr...", I started before he interrupted me.

"You know Eragon? Where is he? How do you know the Ancient Language? Why are you dressed so strangely? And where am I?!" he asked sounding very stressed.

"Ok one, Eragon is a fictional character as well. Two, it's the Title of a book. Three you're dressed more strangely than I am. And four you're at my family's ranch".

"You're the one not making any sense here", he said.

I sighed. "Ok, just for argument's sake, let's say you somehow actually are Murtagh. I know one sure fire way to tell. Let me see your back", I said

He looked at me with a mixture of fear and suspicion as he got up and took a step back. "Why?", he asked.

"Because if you are Murtagh then you'll have a long scar running from your right shoulder to your left hip. It was given to you by your father Morzan when you were three years old. He was angry and drunk when you ran passed and he threw Zar'roc at you", she said calmly.

"How do you know that?" he was like a deer in the headlights.

"Anyone who's read the books knows that. I must have read your part of the story a dozen times", she shrugged.

"What books? Why?" he was very confused and wary but he sat back down on the couch.

"Uh duh! You and Saphira are the most awesome people in the whole thing".

He face only grew more perplexed. I sighed and ran into my room to grab my old, battered, well loved copy of Eragon. Handing it to him, he turned it to the page I kept bookmarked, the chapter he came in. He began reading. After a while he closed the book.

"How did someone know what happened? The three of us were the only ones there after I ran the Raz'ac off".

"Honesty I'm just as confused as you are", I laughed.

"So you know who I am and you do not mistrust me?" he asked

"Are you freaking kidding me?! I've wanted to meet you since I was like ten or eleven years old! I have all kinds of pictures of you on my computer!...but you have no idea what a computer is and I'm just staring to sound like a whack job", reality was taking over my crazy fan phase.

"If that means a crazy person then yes", Murtagh smirked. He seemed to be letting his guard down a little. "So since you seem to know so much about me, I should know more about you".

"Well where do I begin and how do I explain it to you? I'm Jessi O'Broin. My father runs the ranch and my mother works at my school. I'm 18 years old. Animals are my primary interest but I enjoy reading, riding my horse, learning about different weapons and other stuff. By the way that's a very nice hand-and-a-half you've got there. If I were ever to get a sword it would be one like that", I explained.

Murtagh had a very amused look. "You know about swords? But you are a woman!" he said shocked.

"Yes I know a bit! I've spared a bit. Truth be told I would suck to just about anyone in your world but in mine I'm actually pretty good. And you'll find that I am not like most woman at all", I said crossing my arms over my chest.

Murtagh chuckled.

"Well I can honestly say this is by far the weirdest thing that has ever happened to me!" I said laughing.

"How do you think I feel?" Murtagh chuckled.

It was staring to get late and he looked tired. I let him use my parents' room and I showed him how to work the shower and what to do with all of the different soaps. While he was doing that I whipped up some steaks and baked potatoes for diner. All the while explaining every piece of technology he saw to the best of my ability. He thanked me for taking him in and then we said our good nights and went to bed.

The next morning I woke to the lovely smell of a wood smoke fire. I got dressed and looked out the door by my bedroom to find Murtagh sitting around the fire pit in the side yarn cooking breakfast.

"Good morning", he said as I walked up and he handed me a plate with scrambled eggs, bacon and other goodies.

I said good morning back and began eating. Every thing was delicious, especially the bacon. It had an amazing smoky flavor from the fire.

"I hope this was fine. I didn't know how to work everything in the kitchen and I didn't want to start a fire", he said.

"No it's ok. Everything is wonderful by the way!", I replied.


We sat there for a while talking and laughing. I explained what a ranch was and what we do here, etc. That was one of many topics. He seemed more at ease. Mind you he never let his guard but he was getting better.

"You seem to be warming up faster to me than I would've expected", I noted after a moment.

"Well you already know all about me and none of it bothers you. Also for the present I seem to be stuck here, I might as well get comfortable. Besides, you're naturally comfortable to be around and if you don't mind me saying so rather amusing".

The last part surprised me. "I'm glad you think so. Some years ago I did some work with a horse that kinda reminds me of you. So I have a bit of practice with skittish individuals", I explained.

"What happened?" he asked cocking his head to the side.

"Not long after we moved here, my dad bought a few new horses for the ranch. All three were skittish because their former owns had beaten on them more than they should've. For some reason one of them, a grey gilding, caught my eye. So I went down and spent time with him everyday. In the beginning he wouldn't let me touch him. But food is the fastest way to an animals heart. After a while he started getting more comfortable around me until I was even able to pet his ears. He needed to know all humans aren't cruel shit heads", I shrugged. "He still likes me better than Mom or Dad",I added grinning proudly.

Murtagh chuckled. "People are much harder to fix, you know".

"Yea, I know".

We were both silent for a while. For the rest of the day I showed him around the barn and parts of the ranch. We only came back for a bite of lunch before we saddled up Kiddo and another horse for him and rode around.

~The next day~

"So if you had a chance you would go back to Alagaƫsia?" I asked curiously.

"As strange as it may sound, yes. I don't think I would fit into your world very well", he smirked.

"I understand", I said quietly. If he were to go back I wanted so much to go too. Yes I loved my family and friends but more than anything I wanted to go out and have an adventure! Our world is empty of possibilities for the kind I'm looking for.

Murtagh studied me.

"Unless I'm very much mistaken you'd like to come too", he said raising a dark eyebrow.

"Was it that obvious?" I asked sheepishly.

"Yea", he laughed.

"I want to go on an adventure that the world I'm living in can never provide! So what?!" I raised my hands in the air.

"You want to go to a place where you have to live out in the wild, where there's an insane king that wants to kill you, fight in wars, and a whole host of other things that would not be n the least bit pleasant?" he asked like I was a nut job...which I probably was anyway.

"Damn right! I wanna learn how to use a sword and bow, fight against tyranny, meeting new and amazing people and DRAGONS, learning how to survive in the wild, be a great warrior like you. That sounds fucking amazing!" I said enthusiastically. Murtagh laughed again shaking his head.

"I've got an idea", he said.

He began looking around the yard under the sycamore tree. He found two straightish sticks that looked the same length of his sword. He tossed one to me and I caught it.

"You realize I'm going to fail hugely right?" I chuckled nervously.

"Yes but I need to see what you can do before I begin to train you", he grinned.

"You're going to train me?!" a huge smile grew across my face.

"Well I can't hardly take you back with me if you don't know how to defend yourself", he laughed.

"Thank you!!" I squealed as I half tackled him in a hug.

I say a look of great surprise on his face when I let him go. His face softened and grew into a smile.

"Are you ready to begin?" he asked and I nodded.

Needless to say he whipped my ass pretty good but he said I was better than he expected. And so began my training.

When my parents got back a few days later they were shocked. I quickly explained everything and they said he could stay out in the bunk house. Murtagh taught me how to fight and I taught him how to work on a ranch and how to use most modern appliances. But, TVs and computers still confuse him to no end.


Murtagh and I eventually found a way to get back to Alagaƫsia. I went with him obviously and we had many great adventures! We fought in Farthen Dur and I got to meet Eragon, Saphira, Angela, Solembum, Orik, Arya and many other awesome people. Yes the witch and the werecat are just as amazing in person as they are in the books if not more so! We followed Eragon and Saphira in their travels and Murtagh ended up being a Rider (though he didn't get captured by the Empire) while I became an honorary elf thanks to Oromis and Glaedr. We're still fighting Galbatorix but we're making headway.

This kind of life isn't for everyone but I love it!

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Hey everyone! I hoped you liked it! Just to remind everyone, please write your own and I'll add you to the list of authors! I think it'll be interesting to see how many people we'll get and what kind of stories they come up with. Oh it also should be a short story only one chapter, a very long one if you wish but still one.
Thanks! Hope I hear back from people!