Prank Stars

Chapter 1: The Prank

I and my bestfriend Lilly walked into our favorite Starbucks in L.A. and sat at our favorite table. "I can wait to warm up!" She said, then shook and removed her puffy jacket and scarf. I did the same. "Ayye! 'Sup? What do you want?" The waiter asked. I tried not to gape at his apperance. His apron had stains on it, his face had snot running down it, and his hair was a mess. "Um, two hot chocolates." I said, smiling at him. "Yeah, whatever." He said, clicking his pen and walking away. "I really hope he's not making out coffee." Lilly said seriously, leaning towards me. "Shut up! I said, smacking her arm lightly as we shared a laugh. The guy came back all too soon with out drinks. I picked up mine, "This is cold." I said. The guy sneezed and picked his nose, not bothering to wipe his hands on face and stuck his finger in my drink, "It's fine. Why you complainin'?" He asked, "Now drink it." He said, placing his hands on his hips. "I don't want to." I said. "Yes you do." He said. I shook my head and smiled impatiently, "No I don't and I'm not going to." I said slowly. "Well, fine then!" He yelled, picking up the cup and dumping it's cold contents on the hardwood floor. I gapped at the mess he made as he walked away. "You saw that, right?" I asked Lilly as I pointed to the mess that was made. She laughed and nodded. "That's not funny! He's crazy and gross!" I said.
"Who did this? Was it you?" The manager came out, screaming at me. "No! It wasn't me!" I said, "One of your workers fixed me a cold hot chocolate, when I told him it was cold, he got mad, told me I was gonna drink it, I said no, so he threw it on the ground and left." I said, all in one breath. She gave me a look as if I she knew I was lying - which I wasn't. "So, you're telling me that one of my workers did this?" She asked. I nodded with wide eyes. This woman truelly did scare me. "What is this? You knwo what, I don't have time to read it. Read this outloud to me." She said, throwing a piece if paper to me. "You're on Disney Channel's Prank Stars!" I read, then threw my head back and palced my hand on my face, laughing. "How ya' feelin', Delilah?" A deep voice said in my ear. I turned and screamed, my face turning red as I realized it was Mitchel Musso. I ran to him and hugged him. I couldn't breath when I pulled back. "Calm down! Breathe!" Mitchel said, laughing. I laughed and took a few breaths. "I want you to look in that camera and say, 'I've just been pranked by Mitchel Musso on Disney Channel's Pranks Stars!'" Mitchel said, throwing his arm over my shoulder as we turned to face the camera. "I'm Delilah and I've just been pranked by Mitchel Musso on Disney Channel's Prank Stars." I said, covering my red face as I laughed. When the camera's stopped rolling, Mitchel gave me a hug, "Nice to meet you, Delilah." He said as we shook hands and said our goodbyes. I looked down at the piece of paper in my hand. There were ten digits. I smiled and I went back to Lilly. We gathered our stuff and were out of the door.
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I apologize if it seems like it could be better! When I wrote it the first time, it was really good, but I wrote it in the wrong area. When I wrote it the second time, Mibba logged me out. Now, this time, I'm hopping Mibba doesn't log me out. But that's okay, because I copied it! :)