Status: Continued!

What did I ever do to you?

Lights Out

I struggle against the human bonds, but to no avail. He is too strong. I stare at Ivy, her eyes wide and frightened. Eyes that mirrored mine. Green. And, if you looked hard enough, gold flecks embedded deep within. Her hair, normally a long, flowing waterfall of a beautiful red, was now knotted and matted with her blood. The men finished with her and left the room, locking me in. Even with my human chains gone, I couldn't move. She looked at me, her eyes beckoning me forward. I sat by her head and pulled it onto my lap, running my fingers gently through her hair. She looks up at me, and so softly I almost can't hear, says," when I go, I want you to keep living. Never give up. Don't let anyone break you. Stay strong. Keep living so my death isn't in vain." Her eyes start glossing over. " I love you. Never forget it." She smiles weakly. " Your prince will rescue you some day, I promise." she reaches up as if to put her hand on my cheek. I grab it and put it there. As I open my mouth, she let's out a shuddering breath, and that was her life leaving her bruised, battered, broken body. A tear falls down her face, weather it was hers or mine, I'll never know. "I love you too, Mommy."
I slowly open my eyes, thinking about the dream. Thinking about thoes last words she ever said to me. 'your prince will rescue someday, I promise.' My eyes water. Mommy used to tell me that when I was old enough to know what a prince was. When I said it back to her, she would always say," mine is already here." Then she would smile lovingly at my dad. He used to be the best dad ever. He would get me the best birthday gifts. Once he gave me a locket, on one side was a picture of him and mommy, the other of me. I still have it. I never take it off. I shake myself out of my memories. Time to get up! I glance at the clock and note with satisfaction that it's only 12:15. That means I have 6 hours and 15 minutes until I gotta go to the hell hole. I slowly sit up and stretch my arms above my head. I glance down at my side and smile softly. Ace is bundlled under the covers, only his little black nose showing. I carefully disentangle myself from the sheets, making sure I didn't wake Ace in the process. Then, I slowly make my way downstairs, deciding Ace and I should have dinner now. After I surveyed the contents of the fridge, I decided I would make a mastermind meal. I grab the cheese, the bread, and some olive oil. I rubbed some of the olive oil on two bread slices and put some cheese between them. Then, I put it in a pan and grilled it until it was a pretty golden brown color. Then I grabbed some chicken in a bowl and heated it up. I brought the grilled cheese and chicken back upstairs, and as soon as I put Ace's chicken down, he was up and had his face in the food in 5 seconds flat. I giggle and sit on my bed to eat my grilled cheese. When I'm halfway through my sandwich, Ace throws himself at my feet, begging me for some of mysandwich. "Oh, no, mister. You aren't getting any of my food!" I exclaim. He pulls his puppy face, and I sigh in defeat, ripping off a price and giving it to him. I finish my sandwich and sigh, reluctantly starting my homework. I won't bore you with the details.
~~~~~ 4 hours later ~~~~~
I slam my calculus book closed, grinning. "All done, Ace! Wanna take a bath with me?" I ask. He wags his tail and barks. I laugh. "All right boy, let me get my bathing suit on and then we'll take our bath." I walk over to my dresser and pull open a drawer. I grab the 2 on top and spin to face Ace (face Ace, haha). "Which one Ace? Blue or green?" I ask, holding out my plain bikinis. He barks, looking at the green one. I laugh. "Green it is!" I change out of my pj's and into the green bikini. "Allright, Ace!" I say. "Lets get that bath going, shall we?" We walk over to the bathroom and shut the door. I start the bath water and turn to Ace. "I almost forgot my iPod!" I exclaim. "Let me go get it." I open the door and run back to my room. I grab the iPod and spin around, running back to the bathroom. Ace is already in the tub and is snapping at the water. I giggle, plug in my iPod, push shuffle, and hop in the bathtub. When the tub is finaly full, I wash Ace and I with my fruity bath set. Then, I lie back against the side of the tub and Ace crawls on top of me, resting his head on my shoulder. We just sit and let the music wash over us. Then, Lights Out by Breaking Benjamin comes on. I sing along.
Now you wanna take me down,
As if I even care,
I am the monster in your head.
And I thought you'd learn by now,
It seems you havn't yet,
I am the venom in your skin,

I suddenly realize, that's similar to Jason. He's the monster in my head, and the venom in my skin. He's the reason my life at school is hell. My voice is uncertain now.
and now that your life
Is broken
after the lights go out on you,
After your worthless life is through,
My life is definitely broken. And worthless.
I will remember how you scream,
I can't afford to care

My voice has trailed off completely now. That song really struk home. No one really cares. I know. "Ace, you and my promise to mom are the only things that are making me stay. As long as you are here, I will be too," I wisper emotionaly to my best friend. He licks my cheek. In a way, that's how he's promising me he will be here for me as long as he's here. I smile sadly at him. "Mommy would have loved you."
~~~after they get out of bath~~~
I finish blow drying Ace's fur. He's so shiny! My hair is already dry. "Come and help me pick out what I'm gonna wear!" I say excitedly to Ace. He trots into my closet as I sit on my bed. After a few minutes, I hear a bark. Time to see what he picked out for me! I walk into the closet and Ace leads me over to my tights. He noses my black pair with zippers up the side. I nod approvingly and grab them. Next, he nosed a short skirt that was black with thin red stripes running vertically from the waistband to the hem. Very cute. I grab it and follow him to the next thing; shirts. It was a black shirt with rainbow writing that said Breathe Carolina . Closest thing to colorful as I get. I grab that and follow him over to the shoes. He picked out a pair that were solid black skater shoes with red laces. I arch an eyebrow, not too sure how this outfit would work out, but grabbed them anyways. Then, he led me over to the jackets and nosed a hoodie that's black with red drawstrings, a red zipper, and red stitching. I was still doubtful, but tried it on anyways. When I was done putting it on, I looked in the miror and gasped. The outfit was freaking awesome! I turn to Ace and say, "Good boy!" He did a cute little doggie bow and trotted downstairs. I look at the clock and see It is 6:00 at the moment. 30 minutes till school! I run downstairs and pour some dogfood in 2 bowls, one for Ace and one for Scoot. Then, I make myself bacon and eggs and scarf it down. I set Scoot's bowl outside, then run upstairs to the bathroom. I brush my teeth, put on my eye liner, and run into my room to grab my backpack and my skate board. I run downstars, shout a quick goodbye to Ace, and I'm out the door. As soon as I reached the side walk, my bag was over my shoulders and I hopped on my skate board. I look down at the board and smile fondly. Around the whole board, there was a design that looked like Ivy climbing wrapped around it. It not only looked sick but was in honor of my mother. All too soon, I arrive at the school gates. I pick up my board, tuck it under my arm, and sigh. I slowly push open the doors of the school. Time for another lay of hell.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow. Longest. Chapter. Ever. Anyways, theChapter title credit goes to Breaking Benjamim, who wrote the song Lights Out. Another thing, i demand at... You know what, never mind. Also, sososo sorry! That took way too long! My excuse is I waited about a week then started a chapter, but mibba deleted it so I was like," whatever, I'll update later. And then I took forever. And also, my iPod died at some point in there. Crappy excuse, i know. Im sorry. I write all the chapters on my iPod. Umm, so some other authors do this and I wanted to do it too.
Chapter Playlist:
Hello Fascination-Breathe Carolina
My Obsession-Breathe Carolina
Welcome to Savannah-Breathe Carolina
I'm the Type on Person to Take it Personaly-Breathe Carolina
Velvet- Breathe Carolina
I.D.G.A.F- Breathe Carolina
Sweet Blasphemy-Black Veil Brides
Dear Agony-Breaking Benjamin
Lights Out-Breaking Benjamin
Crawl-Breaking Benjamin
I Will Not Bow-Breaking Benjamin
Knives and Pens-Black Veil Brides
There's No Sympathy for the Dead-Escape the Fate
My Apocalypse-Escape the Fate
Time to Dance-Panic! at the Disco
The Ballad of Mona Lisa-Panic! at the Disco
Paralyzer-Finger Eleven
Keep the Change, You Filthy Animal-All Time Low
Damned if I Do Ya (Danmed if I Don't)-All Time Low
Got it Made-Theory of a Dead Man
By the Way-Theory of a Dead Man
All or Nothing-Theory of a Dead Man
Savior-Rise Against
Six Feet Under the Stars- All Time Low
Toxic Valentine-All Time Low
Start a Fire-Ryan Star
Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na)-My Chemical Romance
Famous Last Words-My Chemical Romance
Overrated-Three Days Grace
My Last Breath-Evanescence
Taking Over Me-Evanescence
Mama-My Chemical Romance
Animal I Have Become-Three Days Grace
Sleep-My Chemical Romance