Status: Active!!!! updating every weekend

Of Elves and Sisters

Riders of Rohan

The four company members ran as fast as their legs could carry them. Gimli usually trailed behind while Legolas and Aragorn were at the front and Kyna was in the middle. On a good day Kyna would usually be up front by her brother but her wound was slowing her down and that was certainly the farthest from a good thing. The only thing that kept her running was the fact that Merry and Pippin were out there being taken heaven knows where by a band of orcs. With that thought in the for-front of her mind she pushed herself harder. The trees rushed past them as they ran the way Aragorn was leading them. Over streams and rocks, across fields and clouded paths, they never once stopped for a break knowing each second was a second longer the hobbits had to endure.
The company made their way out of the infernal forest and onto beautiful plains. They would be breathtaking if the four and any breath to take. They had no time to look though they just kept moving forward. After some time Aragorn stopped and pressed his ear down to a rock using his ranger skills to try and track them. Kyna watched him as he closed his eyes in concentration before they snapped open again. "Their pace has quickened, they must have caught our scent." He stated pushing himself up from the rock. "Hurry!" Aragorn yelled back to the rest of the company who again quickened their pace. "Come on Gimli." Legolas called over his shoulder to the dwarf.
"Three days and night pursuit, no food, or rest, no sign of a quarry but what bare rock can tell." Gimli complained as he made his way up the steep slope of the hill. They were once again off running after the orcs. Their breathing was shallow as they pushed themselves harder and harder with each step. They ran past cliffs and over stones until Aragorn suddenly stopped. Kyna watched as he bent down and picked up a small, shiny object from the ground. When she got closer she noticed it was the pin of Lorien. It was exactly like the other ones that kept their cloaks of Lorien safely around their shoulders. "Not idly do the leaves of Lorien fall." Aragorn said brushing the mud off the pin. "They may yet be alive." Kyna said hopefully next to her brother and Aragorn. "Less than a day ahead of us." Aragorn said standing up and starting to run again.
"Come Gimli were gaining on them." Legolas yelled back to Gimli who had just come rolling down the hill. "I'm wasted on cross country; we dwarves are natural sprinters, very dangerous over short distances." Gimli called forward to the three causing Kyna to laugh at her companion. They ran up to the top of the hill they were at and there they paused. "Rohan, home of the horse lords." Aragorn said looking out across the land as Gimli finally caught up. "There is something strange at work here; something gives speed to these creatures, sets its will against us." Kyna said sensing a dark presence in the realm. "Legolas, what do your elves eye see?" Aragorn called to Legolas who had ran ahead of them. "The Uruks turned north east." He yelled back. His eyes widened, "They're taking the hobbits to Isenguard." Legolas said. "Saruman." Kyna whispered out loud getting a worried look from her brother.
Taking a deep breath she looked to her brother again. "We have to hurry if we want to catch them before they reach Isenguard; if not there is little hope." Kyna told the other three. They all nodded and again they took off after the hobbits. They made their way across the plains of Rohan keeping their hands on their weapons ready for anything along their journey. They made their way down another hill and now were on relatively flat surfaces. Every once in a while a comment from Gimli told them that he was still behind him. The sun began to set but that didn't stop them from continuing until it was too dark for them to continue. Once that happened they took rest for the night. The next morning they were off again on the hunt.
A red sun rose the next morning signaling that blood had been spilt that night. It was long into the morning that they heard the sound of horse’s whinnying. Aragorn ran to a nearby rock and had the rest follow him. Legolas took a hold of Kyna's hand as they stood there letting her know he was there if things went wrong. They stood there quite as a group of horses and their riders came riding around the rock they were standing behind. They seemed not to notice the four standing there but Aragorn soon changed that fact by stepping out from behind the rock and yelling, "RIDERS OF ROHAN WHAT NEWS FROM THE MARK?"
The rest of the company stepped up behind Aragorn and Legolas moved closer to Kyna so to protect her if anything went wrong. Next thing they knew they were surrounded by the group with spears pointed at them from every angle. Legolas' hand dropped from Kyna's as it rested on his bow ready for a fight. "What business does and elf, a man, a woman, and a dwarf have in the Riddermark, Speak quickly." a horse man commanded moving into the circle. "Give me your name horse master and I will give you mine." Gimli said looking at him. Kyna and Aragorn both looked at each other exasperatedly before turning back to the scene before them.
The man, Kyna now recognized as an old friend of hers named Eomer, jumped down from her horse and made her way toward the group. "I would cut off your head dwarf if it stood but a little higher from the ground." He spat staring at Gimli. "You would die before your stroke fell." Legolas said loading and pointing his arrow at Eomer. All the spears were suddenly pointed at Legolas. Kyna's hand instantly went to Legolas’. The elf looked over at her and when he saw the fear dancing in her eyes he lowered his bow. Eomer's eyes went between Legolas and Kyna but turned to Aragorn as he spoke, "I am Aragorn, son of Arathorn, this is Gimli son of Gloin, Legolas of the woodland realm, and my sister Kyna." Aragorn explained.
Eomer looked over to Kyna and his eyes flickered with recognition. "I was wondering if you'd remember me Eomer, my old friend." Kyna said looking at him. Eomer smiled slightly at the girl before raising his hand and calling off the other horsemen. "We are friends of Rohan and Théoden king." Aragorn continued on. "Théoden no longer recognizes friends from foe." Eomer said sadly pulling of his helmet. "Saruman has poisoned the mind of the king and claimed lordship over his lands." Eomer explained. The four looked at each other before turning back to Eomer. "My company is those loyal to Rohan and for that we are banished." Eomer continued. "The white wizard is cunning, he walks here and there they say disguised as an old man hooded and cloaked, and everywhere his spies slip past our nets." Eomer finished.
"We are no spies; we track a ban or urakhai across the plains." Aragorn told him. "They took two of our friend’s captive." He explained. "The Uruks are destroyed; we slaughtered them in the night." Eomer stated. "But there were two hobbits, did you see two hobbits?" Gimli pleaded. "They'd be small, only children to your eyes." Kyna tried desperately to explain better. "We left none alive; we piled the carcasses and burned them." He said pointing to where a plume of smoke rose from the plains. "Sorry." Eomer whispered before calling for two horses for them. "May these horses bear you to better fortunes then their former masters." He said handing over the reins. "Look for you friends, but do not trust to hope, it has forsaken these lands. "What do we have in this world but for hope, if we are no longer trusting to hope then this is forfeit." Kyna said locking eyes with Eomer. "And what do you know of hope?" Eomer asked. "More than most my dear friends, be safe on your travels." Kyna said as the company rode away.
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here is the next update and I know its late at night and i'm sorry i was just busy today cuz i live on a farm and alot had to be done today but i still got it up so enjoy