Status: Active!!!! updating every weekend

Of Elves and Sisters

Dawn on the Fifth Day

The group quickly headed into the keep where the king was standing staring at the door. His gaze was unwavering as if he were far away from this battle, his eyes unseeing. The guards and soldiers hurried to barricade the door so that the orcs could not get through it. As soon as they group saw this they hurried and tried to help to barricade the door. "The Fortress is taken, it is over." Théoden said as his head guard bandaged his wound from earlier. "You said this fortress will never fall while you men defend it." Aragorn said grabbing a bench with the help of Legolas and taking it over to the door. "They still defend it, they have died defending it." Aragorn yelled waving his hand toward the door, desperately trying to get the king to see reason.
"Is there no other way for the woman and children to get out of the caves?" Aragorn asked while the king stood silently. "Is there no other way?" Aragorn demanded looking at the head guard. The guard looked at Théoden for a moment before turning back to Aragorn. "There is one passage, it leads into the mountains. But they will not get too far the Urak hai are too many." He stated quickly looking between Aragorn and the door. "Send word for the woman and children to make for the mountain pass and barricade the entrance." Kyna said coming up to stand beside her brother.
"So much death." Théoden said causing the three people to turn toward him in surprise at hearing him speak once again. "What can men do against such reckless hate?" He asked brokenly. For the first time you could see the age in the man as he looked to Aragorn with only a smolder of life in his eyes. Aragorn stopped and thought for a moment before looking to Théoden. "Ride out and meet them." Aragorn whispered. "Ride out and meet them." Aragorn then said louder to the king. "For death and glory." King Théoden said turning towards Aragorn.
"For Rohan, for your people." Aragorn stated looking into the kings eyes. "The sun is rising." Gimli said breaking them out of their reverie. Aragorn and Kyna looked to the window where they could see the sun starting to rise. "Gandalf." Kyna whispered looking at the window, hope shining in her eyes. "Yes." Théoden said. "Yes the horn of Helm Hammer Hand shall sound in the deep one last time." Théoden said finally moving from his spot. "YES." Gimli said loudly. "Let this be the hour, when we draw swords together." Théoden said looking at Aragorn.
Everything seemed to be in fast forward then. Horses were quickly found and brought to those whom were to ride out. While this was going on Gimli made his way through the Keep to where the Horn was located. Once everyone was mounted on their horses they kept their eyes on the door ready to march out. "Now for wrath, Now for ruin and a red dawn." Théoden said before pulling his helmet on and drawing his sword. Kyna and Aragorn followed suit and as soon as they heard the horn sound the doors were flung open and the riders flew out. Trampling orcs while they used their swords to kill the others.
They struck down as many orcs as they could while they followed King Théoden through the city. Hacking away with their swords. They burst through the door that lead to the main street of the city and rode down the bridge knocking most of the orcs off and killing a mass number of them. Kyna stuck close byb Legolas and Aragorn while she swung he sword down into orc after orc after orc. She paused only for a moment when she noticed a pure white horse at the top of the sloping hill in front of them. She smiled when she saw it was Gandalf before turning back to the fight with a new vigor.
Most of the group that had ridden out looked up to where Gandalf was while the orcs to turned to see what was going on. They sat there looking up and all the soldiers let out a breath of relief when they saw Eomer and the Rohirrim ride up beside Gandalf. With a mighty shout the group charged down the hill and into a fierce battle with the orcs. A bright light blinded the orcs as Gandalf's power brought the sun shining straight down on them. And as they shielded their eyes the group of horse men charged into them and started killing as many as they could.
The fight seemed to fly by after that. The orc's numbers dwindling with every passing moment. The soldier's eyes were lighting up as they battled with a new strength that none of them new they had possessed. Their ferocity toward the enemy was also renewed as the battled on. Soon enough the orcs were all dead or fleeing and the men were letting out cries of victory as they all looked around at the orc carcasses. Once all of them were gone they were able to dismount their horses. As soon as Kyna was off her horse she threw herself at Aragorn, tackling him to the ground in a hug. "You ever pull anything like you did today again and you will never be able to have children." Kyna said crying lightly.
Aragorn laughed softly at her before they both got off of the ground and stood up. Gandalf was the next one who received a fierce hug from the brunette before she turned and ran into the arms of her beloved. Legolas wrapped his arms around her and held her tight to him, as if trying to hide her away from all the grief that was now flowing through the city. They pulled away from the tight embrace for a moment to lock lips with each other. Legolas pulled Kyna closer and deepened the kiss. His tongue running over Kyna's lips begging for entrance. She had just opened her mouth and they were about to deepen the kiss even more when Gandalf and Aragorn coughed at the same time. Legolas and Kyna both laughed as they looked at their friends and started to make their way back up to Helm's Deep.
As soon as they had packed up and made sure that everything was ok in the city of Helm's deep, part of the Rohirrim and the rest of the fellowship along with the king, once again got onto their horses. They started out, for Isenguard was the next place that had to be taken care of. They rode steadily and stopped when they came to a hill that looked down onto the valley ahead. "Sauron's wrath will be terrible, his retribution swift." Gandalf stated looking out over the fields towards the darkening clouds of Mordor. "The battle for Helm's Deep is over, the battle for middle earth is about to begin." Gandalf said looking out over the land unseeing. "All our hope now lies with two hobbits somewhere in the wilderness." Kyna said standing on Gandalf's right and smiling slightly at the thought of Sam and Frodo. With that said they all started the journey to Isenguard, for the next battle.
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"It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger, they were. And sometimes you didn't want to know the end. Because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it's only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you. That meant something, even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn't. They kept going. Because they were holding on to something." Samwise Gamgee. Sorry I absolutely love his speech and had to add it into the authors note for all you guys. Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!