Status: Active!!!! updating every weekend

Of Elves and Sisters

Leaving Rohan

Once they got to the hall they took a seat at one of the tables and waited for the others. Gandalf, Gimli, Pippin, and Aragorn soon entered the room. Gandalf nodded to Kyna and Legolas as Theoden came into the room. Theoden stood and was starting a fire when Gandalf went over to him. They spoke in low whispers at first but it gradually got louder as the conversation progressed. Kyna stood between Aragorn and Legolas the entire time the conversation was going on. Her eyes kept straying over to where Pippin stood stock still. His muscles tensed in anticipation.

"There was no lie in Pippin's eyes." Was the sentence that drew Kyna out of her reverie. She turned towards the others and watched them closely. "A fool, but an honest fool he remains." Gandalf said turning towards the hobbit. "He told Saruman nothing of Frodo and the ring." Gandalf then announced much to the relief of the brunette. Everyone in the room seemed to be relieved when they heard the man say that. Legolas' hand found Kyna's during the short silence that filled the room, showing the brunette that the man was there for her.

"We were exceptionally fortunate." Gandalf said drawing Kyna's eyes once again to him. "Pippin saw in the Palantir, a glimpse of the enemies' plans." Gandalf then continued. "Sauron moves to strike Minas Tirith." Gandalf said looking over towards the two siblings. Legolas felt Kyna's hand stiffen in his. Theoden looked over at Aragorn and Kyna before looking back to Gandalf. "His defeat at Helm's Deep has showed him one thing." Gandalf said before stopping.

Gandalf then again turned towards Kyna and Aragorn. "The heirs of Elendil have come forth. Men are not as weak as he supposed. There is courage still, strength enough perhaps to challenge him. Sauron fears this." Gandalf said staring at the heirs before turning back to Theoden. Kyna released Legolas' hand and moved over so that she was safely pressed against her brother's side. Aragorn almost instantly wrapped his arm around his sister. He knew that all this would weigh down on her more than it would him.

Gandalf began again then. "He will not risk the people of middle earth uniting under one banner." Gandalf stated staring solely at Theoden. "He will raise Minis Tirith to the ground, before he sees a king return to the realm of men. If the Beacons of Gondor are lit Rohan must be ready for war." Gandalf finished, relaxing slightly. Legolas moved closer to Kyna once again, and retook her hand in order to comfort her. "Tell me why should we ride to the aid of those who have not come to the aid of us?" Theoden asked.

Kyna took a deep breath and pulled away from Legolas and Aragorn. "Why should you not?" Kyna questioned looking at Theoden. Theoden turned toward Kyna and stared at her as if she was crazy. "Just because a leader does not lead their people to the aid of others does not mean those people will not need aid in the end." Kyna stated staring at Theoden. The others in the room all stood staring between the two. "If you will not go to their aid then I will." She said looking at the man. "And what shall a silly little girl accomplish by doing that?" Theoden sneered. "Then I will go." Aragorn said jumping in. "No." Gandalf said quickly snapping out of his reverie.

"They must be warned." Kyna and Aragorn said at the same time as they looked at the elder wizard. "They will be." Gandalf said walking over to where Kyna and Aragorn were standing. "You must come to Minis Tirith by another road. Aragorn, follow the river and look to the black ships. And you Kyna must stick with the Riders of Rohan. Those are the paths you must follow." Gandalf stated. Kyna took a deep breath before they both nodded. "Understand this; things are now in motion that cannot be undone." Gandalf stated looking around at everyone. "I ride for Minis Tirith and I won't be going alone." Gandalf stated looking at Pippin.
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To all my lovely readers,

I apologize for not updating last week but a lot has been going on. I will be posting two chapters this weekend to make up for last week just so you know. In all honesty you are just lucky the place im camping at for vacation has internet. Now my question for you is this: I have two ideas for LOTR stories. The first one is about a girl who is thrown into Middle Earth from modern time and ends up with Aragorn, or, a story where she is a "protector" of middle earth and ends up with Legolas. I need to know which one you would like next, if any at all. Comment modern girl for the first story or protector for the second. No I am not giving anymore details about the stories. Now I am going to upload another chapter tomorrow and try to finish this story by October. So enjoy and get back to me.