Status: Active!!!! updating every weekend

Of Elves and Sisters


"Gandalf?" A eighteen year old questioned. The old wizard turned and looked down at the maturing woman. She was so young, too young to be training how to fight, and yet she was always eager to learn. Her curly brown hair cascaded down to just above the small of her back, and flowed across her shoulders as if it was nothing but the finest silk. A trick she learned from growing up with Elrond and Arwen. "Gandalf?" She questioned again. "Yes Kyna?" Gandalf asked. "What's wrong? She asked coming up and taking the old man's hands in her own.
They were so different. His hands were old and wrinkled like leather that had been left out in the sun for too many a day. They were also cold and worn with blisters from always gripping his staff and using it as a crutch. Kyna's hands were smooth; even after all the training she had been doing since she was fourteen. Her hands had never gotten calloused and rough like his had. It was as if she was made to carry these weapons. As if she was meant to be a healing wizard like she was gifted to be. He smiled down at the brunette. "You shouldn't worry as much as you do, you'll get wrinkles before you should." He replied.
Kyna smiled and laughed. Her laugh was like a chiming bell, it was pitched just right and something anyone would be lucky to hear. "Trust me my dear, nothing is wrong." Gandalf tried to soothe. "You know, you are the worst liar in the history of history." She replied as she sat down next to him and rested her head on his shoulder. "But what my dear is on you mind, I have never seen you so pensive." Gandalf countered. "Everything." She breathed not moving her head. "My powers don't work like they should, even though I'm doing everything I should be. Aragorn is off somewhere and might be in trouble. And no one will ever take me seriously because I'm just some silly girl who was raised by elves." She stated.
"Your powers are a great honor to have but they are not like mine or Saruman's," Gandalf started. "They are made and fueled by the kindest and wisest hearts. They are a product of love and that is what you need to fuel them." Gandalf stated. "But I do have love, I love you and Aragorn and Arwen and Elrond and-" "This is a different kind of love." Gandalf said interrupting her. "A love you will find when you meet the man you will spend the rest of your life with."
*End Flashback*
Gandalf looked toward the horizon as he rode with Pippin. The memory had hit him just like that and he couldn't believe he forgot it. The one girl he had become close enough to think of as a daughter was now on the edge of her future. Just as their quest had stood on the edge of a knife, so did her future. Gandalf watched as the sun slowly rose over the horizon and touched the sky. Colors burst forth as the sun rose for the day. Gandalf shook it off and pressed on. No matter what happened, he couldn't regret his decision to go to Minas Tirith. What happened from here on out was in the hands of the brunette.
Rivendale was no longer the place it once was. Most of the elves had left and rode the boat away to Numenor. The city still sparkled in the light of the setting sun but it wasn't the same. Elrond looked out from his balcony. It was hard to forget that a war was going on but he still managed too. Usually on a day like this, if he looked out his window, he would see Kyna sitting on the outer wall of the bridge reading. Or if he would look up to the hideout she had made with Arwen, Aragorn, Elendil, and Elrohir, high up in one of the tallest trees, he would be able to see her there looking out over Rivendale.
She had become such a big part of Rivendale and his life in such a short time and yet he still couldn't believe it. She was a second daughter to him and yet he had to sit back and watch as the war came. He had to sit and pretend everything was fine when he knew that Kyna was out on the front lines, if she was still alive. If it was up to him, Arwen and Kyna would have been on the first boat out of Middle Earth. But Kyna wouldn't have had any of it, she was stubborn like that.
Elrond tensed as he once again saw one of the outcomes for Kyna is the journey, so many showed her death, that he wasn't even sure if she would ever be able to make it out alive. But every time the fights come, she always seems to come out of it by just a hair. Then again she had always been a daredevil, so why should it be any different now. But there was a difference now, she had found her one true love, and once she remembered her conversation so long ago with Gandalf. She would be safer than any place Elrond could have hidden her. It was time for him to face it. His youngest child's destiny was no longer in his hands. It was all up to her now.
*End Elrond*
Kyna's hand flew to her stomach as she jumped off of Storm, her other hand came up to cover her mouth. They had just reached their destination at the camp and were getting of their horses so that they could set up their tents. "Are you okay?" Legolas asked coming up to her and looking into her eyes. "Yes, I just got a little dizzy when I jumped off Storm." She said brushing it off. Legolas looked at her a moment more before shaking his head and going back over to his horse to finish unpacking. Kyna led Storm over to where a tent had been set up for her and unharnessed her horse before taking all her stuff into the tent and setting up her bed for the night.
Kyna sat down on her small bed in the tent and closed her eyes for a minute. She knew she wasn't feeling well but nothing could be wrong. She hadn't eaten anything unusual, she hadn't done anything that she hadn't been so what was wrong. "My lady?" A voice questioned from outside the tent. "Yes" she called as she opened her eyes and turned towards the opening. The man nodded to someone behind him before moving out of the way and allowing someone entrance. The hooded figure came in and shut the tent door tightly behind him before lowering his hood.
"Elrond." Kyna yelped in joy as she flung herself into his arms and hugged him tightly. "Yes my child, it is me." He whispered holding her tightly. "Wait, what are you doing here?" She asked pulling away from him. "The sword of Isilidur has been remade, your brother will draw the weapon of his ancestors in the final battle." Elrond stated. "He will wield the weapon that should have been in his sheath from the beginning." Kyna said smiling, her eyes shining with a genuine fondness. "But I have something to tell you before I tell him." Elrond said closing his eyes for a moment before opening them and looking at her.
"The sickness you are experiencing is a pregnancy." Elrond stated looking at her. "But I mean Legolas and I only couple once." Kyna said looking at him. "It does not matter, you carry his heir, and the only thing that can harm it is you dying." He stated. "Are you trying to tell me to stay out of the war?" Kyna asked turning away from him. "No," he said moving forward and resting his hand on her shoulder. "You are far too stubborn to listen to me anyway, I am saying that your magic will protect your child until the day it is born, but only if you stay alive till that day." Elrond stated. "Now Legolas is here to see you, whether you tell him or not will make the biggest consequence in your future." Elrond said as he replaced his hood and left the tent.
Kyna sat down on her makeshift bed and her hand unconsciously went to her stomach. Legolas found her five minutes later sitting like that, staring off into nowhere. "Kyna, what's wrong?" Legolas asked dropping to his knees in front of her. "I'm pregnant." She said barely audible. "What?" Legolas asked. "I'm pregnant." Kyna said looking up into his forest green eyes. Legolas looked shocked for a moment before sitting down on the bed next to her and pulling her close to him. "You have no idea how happy I am right now." He said kissing her soundly. "But what are we going to do?" He asked after they broke apart. "I have not the slightest." Kyna whispered back.
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I am so sorry that it took me this long to update. I have been so out of it lately that I didn't have anytime to do anything. So here is a pretty long chapter for you guys. Yes there is a surprise in this chapter. It also shows you how to characters see her in the story. Also I realize they are majorly out of character in the end but let them go, their in shock. So comment and let me know what you think so far