Compaired To This Hell Is Looking Good

Chapter Four - My Fight -

"Now what?" I asked Kali as I answered the phone. She had been calling me off and on for about half an hour. Her and Andrew were having their weekly fight, it seemed like nothing new, it happend too much to be out of the ordinary. Kali has apparently realized that when the fight gets bad and she needs advice on what to do she can call me. I have no idea why, I have never had those kinds of problems with a guy...

"He just freakin' admitted that he kissed her!" Kali yelled in my ear.

"WHAT! You never said he was cheeting when you first called!" I yelled back. I had thought he had just been rude to her rent's or forgot something important because thats what it usually was. "I have absoultly no idea how to help you on this one! I'm just going to butt out. I'm sorry and I hope you work it out, bye." I hung the phone up. I would probly make it worse with my dating directions. I mean I haven't even talked to Ryan after our feeling spill and it's been about a week.


Not knowing what to say to Ryan (or Kali) I decided to take a walk. I had never really dated (yes 17 with no guy experience... I suck) before and Kali wasn't going to be much of a help. I had called her about an hour later and her and Andrew were still fighting. I swear my life is just too much damn drama! I felt like calling Ryan and ASKING HIM out on a date, but I did know enough to know that wasn't how it worked. I sighed and turned around to go home, suddenly walking didn't seem like such a soothing task. "Lexi?" Someone asked. No not someone, Ryan. I turned around.

"Hey Ryan." I sighed.

"Are you avoiding me?" Ryan asked in a non-angry; sad tone.

"No, why would you think that?" I asked almost angry. AVOIDING HIM!? how could I do that? He never called, was never around, we hadn't even had band practice because no one had called the other to set up the date!

"Well for one you haven't been returning any of my calls." He said this still in his non-angry, sad voice.

"I haven't had any calls to return Ryan! What the hell are you talking about?"

"I must have called you about 1,000 times! No one ever answered so I left messages, I don't know what your talking about. You wouldv'e had to of gotten atleast one message." He said in a hurried voice.

In a sad voice this time I said, "I haven't gotten any messages Ryan. Not one." With that I turned around to walk home, more confused then ever. I heard Ryan sigh and even though he was mad at me, probly because he thinks I'm lying about why I haven't returned any of his "calls", I knew he was to much of a gentlemen to let me walk home alone.


As predicted Ryan walked me home and when we got to my house he left me with a single kiss on the cheek. In a way it was disappointing but it was all that could be expected from the walk home.

When I got inside I saw my mother in the kitchen. I don't know why but something clicked. "Hey mom have I had any messages here lately?" I asked with innocence and caution.

I heard my mom take a deep breath and loudly say, "None that you needed." I stood there in shock.

"What is that supposed to mean?!" I wanted to stay calm but so far it wasn't working.

"It means that I deleated all the messages that you didn't need. All of the ones from That Boy." The way my mom said it, like it was a duh question, made me so angry. She made it sound like 'what did ja think I was gonna do? Let you have a boyfriend? NEVER!' I was furious.

"Who gave you the right to do that!? because I sure as hell didn't!" I had officially lost all cool. "I hate you right now! Do you know that? I have been moping around thinking that he was mad at me or had found someone else and it was you! My freakin' mother!" I stormed upstaris. This fight wasn't over.
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