Compaired To This Hell Is Looking Good

Chapter Eight - Never Mix Pop Rocks With Soda -

I went threw an entire week of beaing mute, I hadn't talked to anyone, not even Kali. That was, untill I saw the boxs. About then was the time when I started freaking out. I knew I was moving, I knew that everyday the big move got closer, but I completly forgot about packing. I forgot that I would have to stick all of my stuff and my momories into a freaking cardboard box. So I flipped. I went out to the store and bought myself a few things that would make me feel better... spray paint.

That night I wrapped all my thoughts into self decorating or well, box decorating. I painted things like 'I hate you!', 'You suck!', and 'I refuse!' Needless to say thats what landed me where I am right now. In my room with no stuff but my bed and notebook. Apparently I didn't need to pack my own stuff. My parents could hire people to do that for me.


"I know I haven't called in a while, but I really am sorry." I siad into Kali's answering machine. "Well call me back when you get the chance, thanks, bye." I pushed end then hit talk again. I needed to call Ryan. I was going to move on 10 days and I still hadn't told him... I know, I suck. But I just couln't, you try leaving those georgious brown eyes! Since I hadn't talked to Kali because she wouldn't answer my calls I had no help and had to go in alone. I may suck but so does karma.

"Hello?" Ryan answered

"Hey Ryan, it's Lexi."

"I don't really want to talk right now Lexi" What is it with Ryan and phones, he never wanted to talk to me unless it was in person.

"But I need to talk to you Ryan. It's really important."

"You mean like you having to move then not telling me? That kind of important?" I took a deep breath. "Yeah thanks for telling me Lexi. Now I gotta go."

"No! Ryan Wait! I need to see you." I said quickly into the phone. There was silence on his end of the phone, I took that as a yes, "I'll be over in a few."


As soon as I got to Ryan's door it opend. He looked like his usualy sexy self, irresistable and untouchable. "Ryan I-" before I could finish the sentence his lips were on mine.

"Anything you say will come out wrong and just completly ruin the moment." He whispered into my ear then continued to make out with me. "And my parents aren't here." Those must have been the magic words, because the next thing I knew we were in his room.


I woke up in Ryan's bed. With Ryan. oh no, oh no, oh no. We had been bad. We had been really bad.
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Yupp. I told you, the smallist big scene in the entire story. You'll just have to read on to figure out what will happen next!
I really do hope that you liked it!