The Vampire's Promise

Promising yourself to a vampire is almost just as bad as selling your soul to a demon. Vampires can be a lot worse than demons at times, as well. Carol Moseley had no idea what she was getting herself into when she promised Vladimir Altair, a vampire prince of a small kingdom, that she would be his slave for all of eternity.

"A card, blackened with soot so that the red heart in the upper right corner was barely visible, fluttered slowly down into the river below. As soon as its back touched the water, a puff of golden glitter erupted from it, and the card began to glow. Fading as if being erased, the disappearing soot revealed a blood stain in the center of the card. A flow of blood stained the waters around the card. A burst of golden glitter then erupted from the card, traveling in several loops before shooting through the air. It stretched and coiled until it found the window to the bedroom of a sleeping little girl, and the card was slowly pulled under by the water."

I do not plan for there to be much romance in this story, which means that there also will not be any sexual content. The rating is as it is due to the violence and language that may appear in this story.
  1. Prologue: Promise Me
    OH GOD, FINALLY. This story has forgotten for over a year! The draft and description, etc, were created on July 20th, 2011.
  2. Chapter one: Visiting
    Whoa, I can't believe I got this chapter started and finished inside one day!
  3. Chapter two: Listening
    Um... the author's note is kind of important.
  4. Chapter three: Where is she?
    Ahaha, some things are explained here? Sort of?
  5. Chapter four: The Queen
    A slightly longer update...
  6. Chapter five: Six of Them
    Wow, another update so soon? I'm impressed with myself.
  7. Chapter six: Carefully
    That awkward moment when you almost post a chapter to the wrong story.
  8. Chapter seven: Of Nightmares
    Oh my god, here it comes! I was so absorbed in this chapter as I wrote it, that I didn't realize a couple hours had already passed.
  9. Chapter eight: Beating Heart
    Ah, this one came quicker than expected, too. I thought I'd have it finished tomorrow.
  10. Chapter nine: Shuffle
    Sorry that this took forever for me to write.
  11. Chapter ten: Fit for a Queen
  12. Chapter eleven: Becoming
    Oh my.
  13. Chapter twelve: A Little Something
    Ugh this chapter sucks.
  14. Chapter thirteen: Think
  15. Chapter fourteen: Calling
    Just a few more chapters to go.
  16. Chapter fifteen: Quiet
    Oh m...
  17. Chapter sixteen: Concern
  18. Chapter seventeen: Ghosts
    THE END.