Status: Inactive

Love Really Is Dangerous...

Wedding's bring tears, but so do heart breaks, and heart mendings

The wedding was set, everyone was ready. Liz waited near the back for Bella. Bella wanted Liz and Alice to walk with her down the aisle since her father couldn’t make it. Her eyes were on Emmett whose muscles seemed to bulge in his tight suit. He was flirting with some pretty girl with curly, brown and a hot pink mini dress. Liz’s blood started to boil as he chuckled and smiled at her.

“You okay?,” Jasper asked and put a hand on her shoulder. Liz tensed up and Jasper looked in Emmett’s direction. He frowned and dropped his hand.

“Jasper?,” Alice asked. Liz turned and saw Alice mouthing something to Jasper.

“She wants me to kiss you to make Emmett jealous,” Jasper explained, his face inches from hers. Liz giggled quietly, but Emmett still heard. He looked over and froze when he saw Jasper lean in and kiss Liz softly on the lips.

“Thank you, I’ve been so overwhelmed about Emmett. You know just what to say,” Liz smiled.

“No problem,” Jasper winked and walked away. Emmett stood next to Carlisle and stiffly waited for Jasper to walk towards them.

“How could you?,” Emmett snarled.

“She needed to be comforted,” Jasper said calmly. Emmett snarled deeply and Carlisle eyed them warily.

Suddenly the wedding march started and Bella, Alice, and Liz started walking down the aisle together. Emmett didn’t see anyone but Liz. He imagined that this was his wedding and Liz was walking down the aisle to meet him. But suddenly the scene changed and instead of him waiting at the end of the aisle, it was Jasper. Emmett started to shake and Liz seemed to notice.

“Calm down,” she snapped.

After the ceremony everyone went inside for the reception. Liz congratulated Edward and Bella and went to the edge of the dance floor. She saw the curly haired girl flirting with Emmett, who seemed to be elsewhere at the moment. He saw her watching and smiled shyly. Liz turned her head away quickly and looked up when she felt a whoosh of air beside her.

“Hello Emmett,” Liz snapped.

“Dance with me,” he demanded.

“Are you forcing me too?,” Liz smiled.

“Exactly what I’m doing,” Emmett smiled and twirled her onto the floor.

“Why did you kiss him?,” Emmett asked.

“Same reason why you were flirting with that girl,” Liz said looking into his eyes.

“To make you jealous?,” Emmett muttered.

“Exactly,” Liz sighed.

“What were you going to say to me the other day?,” Emmett asked. Liz leaned forward and Emmett froze.

“Meet me out back in five minutes,” she whispered seductively and walked away. Emmett waited about four minutes and followed her. Liz was sitting in the second row of chairs, her eyes on the setting sun behind the arch of white lilies.

“I always pictured having a wedding like this,” Liz sighed.

“Do you still want one?,” Emmett asked sitting next to her.

“I’m not sure of anything anymore,” Liz muttered.

“What were you going to tell me?,” Emmett asked.

“Emmett Cullen. I’m leaving, for good this time,” Liz said and forced herself to look into his eyes.

“What?,” Emmett asked in confusion.

“I need to figure my own life out before bringing another one into it,” Liz sighed.

“Liz, I love you. I love you so much more than you know,” Emmett said. He placed his large hand on her small one and squeezed it.

Liz looked into his eyes and Emmett wiped away a few tears that had escaped from her eyes.

“Emmett. I love you too,” she whispered. Emmett’s breath caught in his throat and his face broke into a smile.

“I was afraid of saying it because I didn’t want things to turn out like they did last year. I didn’t want to find out that you only said it because you were taking pity on me. That you took pity on me because I killed my family and because I have no one else in this world,” Liz sobbed.

“That’s not true Liz. You have me,” Emmett said and Liz closed her eyes.

“I love you,” he whispered. Liz looked up into his eyes and smiled.

“I love you so much,” Liz smiled. Emmett smiled and leaned down. He kissed her softly and Liz pulled away, her eyebrows scrunched.

“What’s wrong?,” he asked.

“Why are you being so gentle?,” Liz asked.

“I… I don’t want to hurt you,” Emmett said.

“I’m a tough vampire. I’m concerned about hurting you,” she teased.

“I’ll try not to be gentle,” Emmett snarled. Suddenly Liz was pushed against the wall and Emmett was attacking her lips.

“I love you,” Liz moaned as Emmett kissed her neck.

“Not as much as I love you,” Emmett snarled as his hand ripped Liz’s dress.

“Not in public,” Liz said trying to hold her dress together. Suddenly they were in Liz’s room, her dress now in shreds on the floor.

“I wish I was your first,” Emmett said roughly in her ear.

“Me too,” Liz sighed and they stopped.

“I want our first time to be really planned and intimate, not a spur of the moment thing,” Liz said looking into Emmett’s eyes. His eyes searched hers and he smiled softly.

“Okay,” he said caressing her cheek.

“I love you Emmett Cullen,” Liz sighed and hugged his huge frame tighter.

“Liz Bowman, I love you more than you could know,” Emmett smiled and sat on the bed, dragging Liz with him.