Scar's Beginning

Chapter 3

"Taka, hey Taka," Taka looked up to see who was calling his name to find himself already at Pride Rock and his older brother Mufasa racing towards him. "Where have you been, mom's been worried sick, she thought maybe the tigers got to you guys or something. But I wasn't worried, I know you're to smart to get caught by a stupid mangy tiger!"

Taka avoided answering the first part of his question as they all made their way to where everyone was eating, "We ran into dad while we were running around and he told us about the tiger, and of course there's no need to worry, I'd never be that stupid!"

Taka bumped his shoulder against his brothers affectionately. Mufasa looked to Sarabi, "You're sister's going to start hunting with the other lionesses soon."

Sarabi nodded with a pleased expression on her face, "I know, I'm so proud of her. I can't wait until I get to start!"

"How long until you're able to?" Taka asked, catching her enthusiasm, "Nato's not that much older than you are."

"I'll have to wait a few more moons, but it's still exciting to think about! Especially since mother's the lead huntress." Said Sarabi, as they settled down to eat.

"That's right," Said Mufasa, "And when your mother retires Nato will take her place. But I better go and find her, we were eating together but I ran off when I saw you guys. Bye!"

And with that Mufasa went off to search for Nato. "They're so happy together. Said Sarabi around a piece of meat.

"That's a good thing considering they're betrothed and all." Added Taka, swallowing the last of his share. "Well I better go and find my mom and tell her we're all right, you finish up. See you later!"

Taka practically ran away to look for his mother, every time Sarabi mentioned Mufasa and Nato their betrothal always came up, whether he said it or she did. It's not that I don't like Sarabi, thought Taka, she's my best friend and I love her dearly, but I still feel awkward when the subject gets to betrothal. Maybe because I feel like she should be betrothed to someone stronger and better looking than me?