Status: :3


I've Just Seen a Face

It’s not every day you see someone you’d pee their name in the snow for. Or at least I would if there was ever any snow in Florida. But I swear in the moment that I saw the girl in parking spot 42 unloading her groceries from the basket on the front of her arrest-me-yellow moped, I would’ve peed her name is the snow if I knew her name, because there really is something to be said about love at first sight. When their eyes meet yours, it’s magnetic, poetic, anything but pragmatic—and then it’s kinetic. Your feet slide across gravelly pavement till your hands are holding two plastic bags from the local Sunshine Mart, a little heavy because she likes to double bag her milk. And your eyes never leave the other’s and here’s the kicker—it’s like magic, the way you can already see this is the person you’re going to share all your secrets to, spend your worst and your best moments with, and how you can already tell you’re going to love hearing their voice more than anyone else’s if they’d just speak.

“Let me help you with those,” I say, soft so I don’t disturb whatever it is that’s so delicate in the air.

She nods and lets this huge grin fill her face, reaching way up into her eyes and sending rays of sunshine all over me. “Thank you.”

I return the smile, sending rays of warmth back her way.

And when we fall into step, even and perfectly in sync, it feels very natural, like it was always meant to be that way. “Annie,” she says as we walk down the sidewalk in the humid Florida heat.

I nod. “Annie,” I say. “It’s nice to meet you. I’m Mason.”

She smiles. “I like that name. It’s nice to meet you, Mason.” And you know how sometimes you just love the way some people say your name? Well, I love it when she says mine.

“So, Annie,” I say at the stairs that lead to the apartments on the second floor of the complex. “You’re 42? That’s a nice number.” Of all the dumb things I could say, I chose that one. It feels like the magic is gone, I popped the balloon.

But then Annie says, “It is. It’s the meaning of life after all.”

I laugh and I make a promise to myself that if it ever snows in Florida, I will pee Annie’s name in the snow.
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It's fluffy. I like it. :3 I hope you guys like it too! And if you want to comment, I will not stop you. I actually encourage commenting. :)

Here's the song it was based off of. And yes, the meaning of life thing came from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. :D