Status: Done :)

An Abandoned Imprint

Never What I Wish For

It all started with a phone call. I had been planning on moving back to New Jersey soon, my home had been abandoned for too long. I had their nursery set up and everything, but the Cullen’s had convinced me to stay a little longer.

The babies were now six months old and my dreams of Jacob became more frequent. Carlisle and I had come up with the conclusion that because of my guilt for not even letting Jacob know he has kids was causing me to dream up the worst-case scenarios.

At first I hadn’t believed him, but eventually all of my dreams ended the same way. Jacob finding out about our kids and then eventually winning custody over them, forbidding me from seeing them. I would always wake up when the cops would drag me away from my babies, me crying as Jacob left with them in his arms.

I cried for them a lot at night, I would even jump out of bed after the dreams and run to the nursery to make sure they were still there. I soon told Carlisle of these reoccurring dreams and together we came to the conclusion that I would not have a clean conscious until I told Jacob about the babies.

So here I am, packing clothes for me and the babies, but fortunately I won’t be going alone. The Cullen’s were coming along for morally support and so I could stay at their place, but I also knew they were coming in case Jacob dared to lay a hand on me.

Rosalie, Emmett and Alice were against me going back, Esme just wanted what was best, Carlisle knew that me doing this would do me some good – and get me a good nights rest – while Jasper understood my feelings and knew I had a great amount of guilt in me whenever I heard my babies giggle or saw them smile.

And I did, knowing that Jacob was in pain across the country while I’m over here laughing and smiling with his kids, kids he doesn’t even know exist. A part of me was glad to be coming back home after so long, but a part of me was scared of what I would find coming home.

Would they welcome me back with open arms, would they yell at me for even leaving Jacob and them behind? But I knew in my heart they would accept my decision and would be happily surprised by the babies.
Actually the only person who knew I was even pregnant was Billy and Emily, and I had them under sworn oath that they wouldn’t tell anyone else. I even had Emily swear not to tell Sam, she complained at first but after I explained that if he found out through the mind link Jacob would find out, and she eventually agreed.

The ride to the airport and the actually flight itself were uneventful, and frankly a little slow, but I think it was because I was a little nervous.

“A little nervous? Jasper can you come sit next to Katherine, she’s hopping out of her seat in nervousness” Edward said from his seat next to Bella with Nessie asleep leaning against him.

I was struck with a sudden wave of calmness; I nodded in thanks at Jasper who was cuddled up next to Alice, she who had her arms around him as she stared out the window. I smiled then looked at the sleeping figures of my babies, who were in their seats next to me. I had the aisle seat and they were in their portable car seats sleeping peacefully.

I stared forward and hoped things in La Push would go smoothly, but I never get what I wish for.
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Hope you guys like it!!