Oxycontin Suicide

My Name is Vampire, Not Serendipity. Vampire

Serendipity sat on the train, cleverly named "The Tedia Expressway". She glared out her dirty window, which was covered in grime that had never been washed. All she saw was a vast desert-like sandy plateau, with little pipe-cleaner resembled pine trees. Serendipity thought quietly to herself.

"I bet there are more pine trees than human beings" she scowled. Serendipity was talking about her head, thoughts moving much like ping-pong balls in table tennis in a retirement home. (And believe me, this goes on more than you'd think.)

"You are a vampire, a creature of the night"
"Never let them take you alive"
"Never let anyone com into your life"
"Never be nice, mean, or loving"
"Your mother never liked you"
"Nor did dear old dad"
"They hate you everyone hates you"
"You are ugly, stupid and lost."
"You will be nothing."
The last demonic voice in her head was interrupted by the sliding door of her passenger's box. Inside, a boy, much looking like her age, 13, stepped inside hastily, as if he was in a hurry.

"I'm sorry, but um... Can I sit here, the whole train is full of snoring old people exept this one."
The inside of her voice forbid her to laugh and went over its list again. "You are a vampire a creature of the night. Never let them take you alive." She shook the voices away and nodded solumnly at the boy who was sitting down in the seat in front of her.

Serendipity analyzed the boy in her head, making presumptions and a mental checklist.

He was short.
He had hazel eyes.
He wore a black tee with lightning on it.
He had a black and blond hairdo commonly referred to as a fauxhawk.
He had a lip ring and a nose ring.
He looked juvenile, like a little kid.
His nametag on his suitcase read "Frank Iero" in a woman's scribe, most likely his mother's.

"Erm..." The boy mumbled fidgeting. "I'm Frank." Frank said, extending a hand. Serendipity grunted, and ignored his outstretched hand. She caught Frank looking at her identity tag in her black duffel bag. He tilted his head quizzically.

"Serendipity, Eh? Frank asked leaning back against the seat, pleased that he found out something about his odd passenger. Serendipity, on the other hand, absolutely HATED it when people called her Serendipity. She hated it ever since her grandma passed away. She hated it, because that's what her mother and father called her, and she hated her mother and father. For it was they who had made her life a living hell. She would announce this to Frank as quickly as possible. Her name was now, for four years, and forever will be: Vampire.

"My name," She said as bitter and cold as she could muster, "Is Vampire."
Frank's eyes widened. Instead of the fear and anger Vampire had wanted, she got a huge, goofy grin on his face.
"Wow! That is, like, the coolest name on the history of this flipping planet! That is so awesome! Not fair, though. I have to be named Frank." His ignorance really made Vampire mad. Oh so mad.
"Where are you heading?" Frank asked.
"Pinehurst, North Carolina" She muttered.
"Wow! Me too! Why are you going there? Vacation? Visiting? Golf?" Vampire was shocked by the fact that anyone like her would waste her time golfing.
"Moving there." She spit the words out coldly, like a crabapple, had magically entered her mouth.
"Me too!" He jeered, enthusiactically.
"Oh really. Do tell." Vampire was sarcastic, and it was the most broad kind that most noticed. Most, not Frank.
"I'm living with my Uncle for a few years, to just, you know, meet the relatives."
"I ran away. Headin' for my Aunt's"
"Run away? Whatever for?"
"None of your business."
"Oh." His face fell. The train went by a sign that welcomed them to North Carolina.
Vampire went back into her own mind.

"What does he want?"
"Why does he care?"
"Why is he looking at you?"
"He could like you."
"He could be trying to get something from you."
"This could all be a trick."
"He hates you."

For once, Vampire shooed the voices away, and looked at Frank who was fiddling with an iPod. The box she sat in felt cold and empty without Frank's words to fill it up.

This boy was special if he could temporarily flush away her voices and make her feel different. But it was all an illusion. And tricks are not something Vampire liked. Trick or not, he was the only person who had spoken kindly to her in four years, and she would give her left arm for him to start speaking again. But she kept her mind and mouth shut and sat like that for the next hour on the train, waiting for Frank to speak and rid her of her thoughts. But he didn't. He was asleep with the iPod still blaring in his ears. The thoughts repeated again in Vampire's head.

"You are a vampire, a creature of the night.."
"Never let them take you alive."

"Don't worry" She assured the voice. "I won't."

Dispite the reply, the demonic voice continued, until her head was muffled at the train whistle blowing, signifying that that was her stop.

Frank got off too.