Status: Started.

Under Atlantis

Sunshine High

I was strolling down the hall, bumping into people on the first day of my sophmore year, sunshine high school how I didnt miss you one bit. Im sure the people who have created the school have never actually been students here because the atmosphere is far from sunny. In fact its the least sunny place in Florida. The walls are a dull beige, and the teachers are already cranky, but you cant blame them. They've been teaching annoying kids since 7:00 o'clock this morning. Thats right we have to be at school at 7:00, IN THE MORNING!
I fell asleep in my first hour social studies class, until the teacher slammed a heavy book down right next to my head, and gave me detention, yes i got detention on the first day of school. Welcome to my life.

After a long day of school I decided I needed a swim so I ran down to the beach and jumped in.

Oh did I forget to mention Im a giant Jellyfish?