Status: Started.

Under Atlantis

Don't Go Into The Light

My eyes snapped open then closed again at the bright light that hurt my head. Slowly, my eyes adjusted and I sat up. Everthing was white, it was like a tunnel. White ceiling, walls, and floor, father than the eye can see. There was one dark spot, but my eyes were still blurry. When they cleared up I saw that it was a man sitting on a bench. He was wearing jeans and and a T-shirt that had some old rock band on the front.
I whipped my head down to my stomach. Not only was I not a jelly fish anymore, I wasn't bleeding. The hole was still there, but it wasn't gushing out blood, and it didn't hurt. Was I dead? I am. For some reason I came to peace with that. I took it calmly.
The dude stood up, "Melanie."
I gazed at him, "Who are you?" Even I was surprised at how level my voice was.
"You'll find out eventually. Now come here."
I did. He put his hand on my stomach, mumbled some words that I couldn't understand and bam! I felt a tugging in my gut area and when I looked down, no more hole. Looking at him with wide eyes I exhaled, "Thanks."
He smiled at me and gaped at me with a look of wonder in his eyes. "So, that Josh kid, are you guys going out now?" Now the look changed from amazment to seriousness.
Oh yeah, Josh kissed me while I was dying. My lips were still buzzing from the time. But why would this guy want to know about it? "I, uh, I don't know."
The man grunted, "Well, just be careful, guys just want one thing."
"Umm, okay. Where are we?"
"This is where people can meet." He told me. Yeah, that explained a lot.
"Am I dead?"
He considered this for a moment. "Yes and no. You died, but you're not done down their." Well that raised more questions. Continuing, he said, "I'll give you some advice. You need your enemies. Trust them, and they will trust you. Good luck."
Suddenly I felt a shock go through my entire body, and I blacked out again.
"Melanie! Wake up!" I shouted. I was still trying to give her CPR. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something, was it the assassin. Turning, my daggers out, I saw it was just a jellyfish. No, it was a bunch of jelly fish. There had to be at least thirty of them. They swam right past me and went to Melanie. One by one they landed on her. I have personally seen Melanie play with jelly fish, so I didn't think they were going to hurt her.
When all had halted and stood on Melanie, they shocked her. At first I couldn't believe it, but they did. They electicuted Mel. Slowly, in that uncaring way the jelly fish have, they swam away. I went over and put Mel's head on my lap. Nothing happened. For ten minutes nothing happened. She was dead.
I picked her up, going to bring her to her parents and the gang. I was half way through the tunnel, when her eyes snapped open and she jerked which made me drop her.
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