Status: Started.

Under Atlantis


Sorry if I caught you off guard. But I am a jelly fish. My name is Melanie and I'm part of a elite group of fish people who stop evil under the sea. There's Victoria, who turns into a catfish. We learned very early that we couldn't use our real names underwater because the Uji (the bad guys) will attack us. So we use code names. Victoria's is Cat. When she gets wet she turns slightly black, with shiny black scales that make a bikini. Along with red skiny jeans and the fact that her hands and feet turn to fins (she still has a thumb though so she can pick up things) and she has gills, she is a real life fish/girl.
Then there's Eddie, who is a complete nerd. He is still trying to figure out why we turn into fish. He changes into a electric eel, his legs switch into a giant tail with bright green scales. and a massive fin sticks out of his back, starting at his neck and going to his waist. For fighting he uses a bow and arrow, but the arrows are shots of electricity. We call him Slimy
Next is Jake. Above water he is a incredibley dumb jock. Below water he is a turtle, kind of. He uses his shell as a shield that as six inch spikes going along the circumfrence. Like Victoria his hands and feet turn into fins. I'm pretty sure the vest he wears is a turtle skin and he has regular Levi's. Sure, I'll admit it, he's hot, but definatly not my type. Shell Shock
Last is Josh, I call him Shark Boy, but his code name is Jaws He really looks like a merman with a enormous pitch black shark tail. Other than that, he had shark fangs pointing out of his wrists to stab with and a dosal fin in his back. He had shaggy brown hair and piercing blue eyes. It is hard to describe how cute he is. Constantly, he has his Aviators on, and he is a muscular as Ryan Reynolds.
Basically, picture the hottest guy you know then times that my ten.
Then there is me. Like I said, I turn into a jellyfish. I get this sleeveless purple dress that goes down and turns into a a poofy see through bell. You know, the fluffy part of a jellyfish. Under the see through bell I have a black short shorts and knee high black and blue stripped socks. The cool thing is that the blue socks match my extremely neon blue hair. Yah, well, out of the bell pops two tentacles that are electrical and I whip people with. They call me Magenta. Don't ask me why, because nothing I have on is Magenta, but, oh well, it sounds mysterious.
Yep that's our group. Our crazy, freaky, weird ass group. And, trust me on this, I wouldn't have it any other way.