Status: Started.

Under Atlantis


"Hey, Shark Boy," I said.
He sighed, he doesn't exactly like the name Shark Boy. I don't care, it's funny.
"Hi Mel, what's up?"
Right now we were sauntering down the hall to biology. The only class I have never got detention in yet, but that's cause the teacher loves me. Today we were dissecting frogs. I wonder if people will ever study my body one day, man will they be surprised.
"Not much. Got detention later,"
"I was sleeping, I didn't get a lot of rest last night."
"Parents fighting?"
"Yep," He wrapped an arm around me in a little hug. My parents argue a ton, ever since they learned about my "gift". I absolutely hate it.
By the way, in case you haven't noticed, Josh doesn't speak a ton, mostly one word answers, different faces, you know.
Biology was boring and gross, like always. During the dissection of frogs we had to pick out the different organs. It was especially disgusting for me because I'm a vegetarian I just let the intelligent person in my group do the work. On the way out, I noticed a girl crying in the corner of the bathroom. It was Hannah Zepra, she was picked on a lot.
"Whats wrong Hannah?" I asked
"Nothing Melanie, I'm fine" she replied
"No its not, you need to let it out and tell me"
"Well ever since my mom left my grandma took over her spot. And well..... My grandma died last week" she said as she burst into tears. I sat by her and comforted her, sliding my arm around her shoulders. As the warning bell rang, I asked if she was okay. She answered yes and we walked into class. I knew how she felt, having your world flip in one day. I was just taking a shower one evening when, poof, I'm half jelly fish. I don't know why it didn't happen before that day when I was just seven. But it didn't, so my parents had no idea until I told them. It had just been to hard to hide it from them.
After school, my team (I had kinda been chosen the leader) met in our hangout. Pretty much just a cave with an awesome seaweed overhang at the entrance.
"Yo, guys," I called into the dim light. Light doesn't travel well underwater, and it's not like we could light candles. Josh had gotten a waterproof lantern thing, but that was basically our only light.
"Hey Melanie," Eddie said back.
"What's up?" Jake asked.
Today I was all business, "Well I've been thinking."
"Bad sign," teased Josh. I punched him, hard too, if I do say so myself. All the years of fighting the Uji got me some muscle. The Uji are a group of evil mermaids and merman. Yep, mermaids are real. They are always trying to take over Atlantis, control the oceans and stuff. But me and the gang stopped them. With the help of some of Neptune's soldiers. More mermen and mermaids, but these guys are good. It surprised me how different women are treated here than and land. Half of the soldiers are women, and they are treated with a lot more respect. Men are still more reckless, but that will never change.
"Anyway," I continued, "the Uji have been quiet for a while, so I think they are planning something big." I was interrupted by a voice outside.
"Come out come out where ever you are. Oh, Jellyfish, it's time you and I had a heart to heart." It was Bali, the leader of the Uji. She was kinda like my arch enemy. I swam out there, despite the groups protests, my bell swishing behind me.
"I was thinking it would me more like a fist to face. As in my fist, to your face." I countered.
She smirked, then hit me with her tail. I flew back a few feet, blood dripping from my mouth. We fought for a while, me using my tentacles the popped out of my bell and electrocuting her. Finally she backed off and threatened, "This isn't over! I will control the seas, it is my destiny!" The Uji seem to think that it is their destiny to take over Atlantis.
"I think your destiny is to get beat up by me," I shouted back.
"Please, I'm just one person of a giant group with a giant plan. Wait until you meet my employer," she laughed as she and her group swam away.
"Looks like you were right Mel," Victoria said.
"Sure wish I wasn't,"