Status: Started.

Under Atlantis


"No!" Victoria yelled. She dashed out the her house and almost ran into me. Tears streamed down her face, mascara ran off her eyes. "Melanie, what are you doing here?"
"I wasn't eavesdropping or anything," I amended quickly. "I just came to talk to you and..." I trailed off.
"They don't understand. I can't go back Mel, I just can't." Even though Victoria came be a drama queen sometimes, like she always has to look good, and she cares what people think about her, but I completely understood.
"It's okay, you can stay with me," I said.
"Really?" She asked, disbelief in her voice.
"Yeah of course, your my best friend."
She hugged me tightly then said, "What about Josh? OMG, have you guys finally gotten together?"
"What?" I asked, totally confused. Josh was one of my best friends, I wouldn't date him.
"Well you said I was your best friend, but Josh is your best friend. So I was wondering if he was your boyfriend now."
I rolled my eyes, "Both of you are my best friends, now come on."
We walked to my house in silence. The entire time I was worrying about the rain clouds up ahead. I was almost to the driveway when I felt a raindrop on my forehead. Electricity started from my forehead and spread through my body. I looked down and saw strings of blue electricity under my skin. When I gazed at Victoria I saw black drops dripping down from her shoulder and leaving the skin it passed black and a scale bikini on her chest. Her hands started to grow webby.
"Crap!" I uttered, "Go!" and we sprinted to my backward and dove through the patio door my dad had opened. Just in time too, my bell grew to its full size and Cat got her bright red jeans and webbed fingers and toes. Her neck started to crack into gills. I let out a sigh of relief and then Cat and I started to laugh hysterically. Out of the corner of my eye I saw my dad shake his head and walk up stairs.
I looked at Cat and saw she was starting to cry again. I got it, she missed her parents, the two people she was supposed to be able to count on failed her. But she held back the tears and gave me a small smile. I hugged her and whispered, "You are going to be fine."