Status: Started.

Under Atlantis


"Jaws is missing!" This cant be happening
"We have to find him" Eddie said " He's like my only friend".
Into the water we go, I looked over to Eddie and saw green diamonds start to spread across Jake's body. I looked over to Eddie and saw white electricity coursing throughout him. Next thing I know we were now Cat, Slimy, Shell Shock, and Magenta. A clan of super weird, teen, mutant fish. Yeah were cool like that.
There was nothing better then swimming.
We swam and swam until we found the gates to Atlantis. As they opened, silence and chaos came at us all at once. I've never seen anything or anywhere so badly attacked. But what did this have to do with Josh? We walked for a while to assess maximum damage.
"Hey!" Eddie said " Did you guys see that" He pointed towards a garden of seaweed. Behind us came loud screeching noises and about 8 Uji tackled all 4 of us. "okay maybe we can work something out here guys" I said. One of the ugly creatures swung at me " So maybe you guys aren't the talking type. Let me put it into a way you will understand"
I wrapped one of my electrical whips around one of the Uji's tails and pulled him to the ground, then gave the one nearest to me a nice little roundhouse kick to the face.
"Whoa" Eddie said while gazing in amazement..
Shell shock a.k.a Jake punched one across the face and knocked one out with his sheld (that's what I called because I find it punny.)
"Who wants to play," Cat said as she slashed one across the back with her claws and kicked him in the face as he screeched in pain. "Your not a ball of yarn, but you'll work." One Uji tried to grab her from behind and she yanked him by the neck and flipped him over her shoulder.
"Shock Wave!" Eddie warned. Cat, Shell Shock, and I jumped up as Slimy punched the ground and sent electric charges through the sand. Those poor Uji got fried like bass on Friday night. It wasn't a pretty sight, and it had to be painful because they screamed like babies, and I felt bad for them for a minute. Then I remembered they had tried to kill us multiple times, and I didn't care anymore.
Finally, when all the Uji were "gone" I remarked, "Well I guess we know our prime suspect for the kidnapping."
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