Status: Started.

Under Atlantis

Melanie You Can't Leave

One more night of crying myself to sleep was just to much, I couldn't live without Josh he was my one and only true friend that I could truly count on. So I woke up early, and made my way into the water.
I swam and swam determined to find Josh, I wouldn't leave without him.
Out of nowhere I saw a person like figure in the distance. Could it be.
"Josh!" I yelled "Jo-" I was cut off by the flying poisonous spike that stabbed me in the gut. My knees gave out at the excruciating pain in my stomach. Blood clouded out of the hole in my gut. It wasn't like anything I've ever felt before.
Lying on the ground I saw in front of me the assassin.
"Why?" I asked, tears running down my face " What did we ever do to you?"
"I'm sorry" He said. I mean what kind of assassin says he's "sorry".
"It's the only thing I could do to save my own family" he said. As he swam away fast I started to fall, into a deep dark sleep.


"Melanie!" I yelled "No!"
I knelt down next to her very cold body.
"Josh?" she said quietly. I may have kissed her. But if it was going to be the last thing she learned it was going to be that I loved her. She once again closed her eyes. "Melanie you cant leave".
I picked her up and swam her to Atlantis. To find any medical attention I could.
I arrived at the hospital all the doors were locked. That's when I broke down.
"Help" I yelled "someone come save her!" I even started knocking on the door I needed help without her my life would be nothing "Melanie you can't leave."
♠ ♠ ♠
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