One Day, We'll Both End up in Hell


~Two Years later~

-Josh's Point of View-

“Josh Montgomery, you beast,” The brunette I couldn't remember the name of, gave me a smile and kissed my lips once more. “I didn't know my body was capable of such things.”

“Oh, so I'm good then?”

“Oh, you're more than good,” She whispered seductively in my ear, a running a hand through my sweaty hair. “You're the best one I've ever been with. And usually my policy isn't coming over for two days.”

“Your standards must be pretty high then,” I ran my hands down her back and reached her....god damn... perfect ass. I gave it a light squeeze and she giggled.

“I think you just broke it.”

“Are you asking for another invite?”

“Can I come in?” She pushed me onto my bed and climbed on top of me.

“Any time babe.”

“Josh!” A voice called from downstairs before she could make a move. “Josh!”

“Whose that?” She questioned, looking quickly at the door.

“ mom. She's a total cock block.” I groaned.

“Does this mean I gotta go boo?” She made a pout with her large lips, a turn on she quite popular for.

“I know. It fucking sucks.” I grabbed my boxers and she hooked her bra. “But, we had fun the whole day right?”

“Maybe that's why your so popular with the girls. It's because you're a freak in bed.”

“So, there are stories about me then? Who told them?”

“Girls like Chantel, Virgina, Cera and others. Should I tell them to shut their mouths?”

“Naw. Let them spread tales. That just means more girls will be arriving on my doorstep.” I chuckled, slipping on my pants. There was nothing I loved more than busty babes and wild sex. It was just a lifestyle I lived for.

“You are such a player.”

“Babe, if I wasn't a player, you wouldn't be here for the past two days.”

“C'mon darling,” She countered. “You wouldn't have to be. All the boys are just itching to sleep with me.”

“Hey you're not the only one allowed to have all the glory,” I teased. “I'm one sexy fuck!”

“Can't argue with that.” She was now fully dressed and gave me one last kiss. “Later Joshie.” With that, she grabbed the rope that was attached to my window and climbed down.

When I heard her heels hit the grass, I immediately turned over pillows and wiped up remaining messes from the wall. I jumped to my desk chair and turned on the computer, not even bothering to watch her drive away. I had just logged into Facebook when my door swung open and my mother's worried face poked in.


“Hiya mom. You just came home?”

“Mhm, were you alright by yourself?”

“C'mon mom! I'm 16 now! I'm perfectly alright sitting at home by myself. And I have been at home by myself for the past three years!”

“Sorry dear, sometimes I worry about you. I wouldn't want you to be the type of kid who brings secret girls over or do underage drinking.”

I nearly chuckled. If she only knew.

“Naw mom, I'd never do stupid things like that. Why don't you go take a nap? You look exhausted from work.”

“Alright then. Good night Josh.”

“Night mom!” She closed the door and I turned back to my computer screen.

I had about twenty notifications on facebook since I last logged in, which was about five hours ago. Ten of them where people commenting on my status and photos. The other ten were wall posts from the girls I've recently started seeing or saw, commenting about how they'd love to meet up with me again sometime or how I gave them such an amazing time.

I was living the perfect life. My own car. Having the house all to myself every other day of the week. Getting girls knocking on my door just begging for me to sleep with them. Not to mention, my dad's endless supply of booze in our basement, for working at the bar all day.

I looked back at my facebook and found that I had five new friend requests. Two of which were from pretty ugly girls. And going by my policy, they are ignored and “never known.” The other two were from the brunette from earlier. Oh that's her name. Hannah. And my classmate, Freddie. I approved them with no thought.

Then....this sexy girl.

Amelia Shea. That name sounded unfamiliar to me and usually I'd know all the hot girls that attended my school. I immediately clicked on my profile picture and nearly choked. She was fucking hott! Her hair was entire head of hair was dyed white, with bands swept to the side. The bottom of her hair was dyed blonde. She also had the most beautiful pale blue eyes I've ever seen.

“Why the hell have I never seen her around before?” I cursed under my breath.

Before I could write on her wall, I got an I.M....from her.

Heyyyyyy (;

I felt a grin spreading across my face as I typed back, Hey! Do I know you?

Nope I'm a new student! Just recently moved about a couple days ago. I added you because I thought you were hella cuteeeeee ;D

Hella cute huh? This girl was already my type.
♠ ♠ ♠
Don't forget there was a chapter before this one! Well anyway, I'm sorry if made Josh like this. He just had to be like that in this story aha. Sorry it's so short, I just needed to show what Josh's lifestyle is like