Status: Completed!

The Real Story of Heaven and Hell

Skinny Dipping

I woke up with a start. Something had happened. It’s like what Obi-wan Kenobi says about a disturbance in the Force. I totally just felt one.
And not just because I’m using Jimmy as a teddy bear. I rolled away from him, expecting to bump into Sera.
Instead, I just rolled off the edge of the bed.
Where the fuck is my sister? I picked myself up and headed down the hall. I checked Zacky’s room first. Not there. I guess the angel didn’t seduce her well enough. Matt and Johnny’s room were similarly Sera-less.
That left Brian’s room. I flung the door open and saw the two of them snuggling together. Sera had kicked the covers off, as she usually did, revealing Brian in only his boxers.
Snuggling with my sister.
I’m not that great at controlling my rage yet, which is why I smacked Brian upside the head.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” I yelled. Of course, the minute everyone heard my voice, they all woke up and streamed into the room. Sera’s face was bright red and Brian was just lying there, a stupid smirk on his face.
“What’d you do?” Johnny sighed. He was getting used to the outbursts. I really couldn’t control it.
“Kissed Sera.” Brian said, stretching like a cat, pulling Sera closer to him in the same motion. I really started to heat up when I saw his hands on her.
I heard a sudden crackling and realized my palms were on fire. I didn’t freak out like Sera did though. I couldn’t feel burning, just a pleasant warmth.
“Lil, don’t!” She screeched, jumping out of the bed. I saw Brian’s face fall, matching the expression Zacky had on.
“You are so lucky that I don’t light your hair on fire.” I hissed at Brian. Unlike my failed possession attempt, I was able to put out the fire easily.
“Great. Hell Girl figured out how to light stuff on fire.” Jimmy muttered. I turned to him and my rage bubbled up even higher.
So I gave him a black eye.
“Lilith!” Sera scolded.
“He had it coming.” I muttered. “Besides, it’s not like you can’t fix it.” Brian was laughing at the spectacle. “Don’t think you’re off the hook dumbass. I still can set you on fire.” He shut up pretty quickly. Sera put her hand on my arm, draining away my anger. I took a deep breath.
“Feel better?” She whispered.
“A little.” I did feel marginally less like massacring the entire household.
“Come on.” She dragged me out of the room and down the hall, back to Jimmy’s room.
“Okay, spill it. How did you end up in bed with Brian?” I crossed my arms over my chest.
“You and Jimmy were all cuddled up, so I left.” She shrugged. “Brian was awake and he found Mom’s cross.” She dropped the cross into my hand and I let out a loud screech. That burned like a bitch. There was a burn shaped like a cross seared into my palm.
“Mother fucker.” I swore, running to the bathroom to put water on it.
“What happened?” Sera asked, her eyes wide.
“Cross plus demon equals burn.” I grunted. “I can’t touch legit crosses anymore without getting burned.”
“I’m so sorry.” She worked her healing mojo on my palm, although I still had a scar.
“It’s okay Ser. You didn’t know.” I gave her a hug to reassure her. I flexed my hand, getting used to the new scar tissue across it.
“Everything okay?” Matt asked, poking his head into the bathroom.
“Yeah. Now I have a matching scar.” I held up my hand and showed him. He made an ouch face.
“Come on, I made breakfast.” Breakfast for Matt turned out to be Coco Puffs, my favorite cereal of all time.
“Mmm.” I drank the chocolaty milk left in my bowl. “Great choice Matty. So what are we doing today?”
“I was thinking you guys had a rough day yesterday, so I was gonna take you to the hot springs.” My head snapped up so fast I got a crick in it. I wasn’t fond of water. I think it might be a demon thing. Sera looked really excited though, so I went along with them. Matt grabbed towels for us and we headed down a flight of stairs I hadn’t noticed into a cave.
“Whoa.” This place was amazing.
“Enjoy.” Matt smiled at us before heading up the stairs. As soon as the door closed, we stripped off our clothes and jumped in.
“Now this is nice.” Sera sighed, leaning against the rock wall.
“As nice as macking with a certain demon?” I chuckled. She splashed me and soon we were having a splash war.
“Cannonball!” We were so busy playing in the water we hadn’t heard the door open. We did, however, hear Zacky and Brian jumping into the water.
“Why does this feel like Mulan?” I asked, backing up against the wall next to Sera. Both of us were trying to cover ourselves as best we could with our hands. This reminded me of the scene where she tries to take a bath and all the guys show up.
What? Demons can’t like Disney movies?
“Cuz you’re a kick ass girl with nothing going for you?” Matt said. He and Jimmy had gotten in as well.
“That’s what I’m gonna call you from now on.” Brian laughed. They were all so relaxed. Sera’s face was so red it was practically on fire. God I hoped they were wearing swim trunks. Matt floated on his back and I sighed in relief. It’s just us that are naked.
“You know we’re naked under here, right?” I growled. I swear Brian and Zacky just about shit themselves when I said that. Matt looked mildly uncomfortable, Jimmy didn’t even react. If Sera and I hadn’t been huddled together, I probably would have gone off. His eye was turning a beautiful shade of purple, and I wondered why Sera hadn’t fixed it like she fixed Zacky’s bite and my burn. I decided to ask her later when we weren’t naked in a pool full of guys. Thankfully the cave was dim enough they probably couldn’t see under the water.
Unless of course one of them ducks under the water.
Surprisingly enough, it was Jimmy who went under, not Zacky or Brian. Sera and I both screeched at the top of our lungs until he came up.
“What?” He said, looking at our angry faces.
“Please, just let me hit him again.” I begged Sera.
“Lil.” She sighed. “He already looks like a panda.”
“Just one sucker punch.” I pleaded.
“Uh, I can hear you.” Jimmy said.
“Yeah, but it’s not like you could stop me. Demon rage beats height.” I shot back.
“You two fight like an old married couple.” Matt shook his head.
“We do not!” Jimmy and I said at the same time.
“They cuddle like one.” Sera said slyly. I gaped at her. She never said anything that would embarrass me.
“What?” Matt said, almost laughing.
“Oh yeah. Full cuddling last night.” Sera giggled.
“Seraphina Camael Quinn.” I said, shocked. She’s usually so quiet around other people. I’m the one who won’t shut up.
“Yes, Lilith Isabelle Quinn?” Whoa. Is she being possessed or something?
Wait a minute. There are two other demons here.
“Brian.” I growled.