Status: Completed!

The Real Story of Heaven and Hell

Demon Spawn

It had been a week since the attack and I still had trouble sleeping. I had nightmares so bad that not only was Jimmy sharing the bed but so was Brian. It seemed the only way I could find enough peace to rest was smashed between him and Lil. Good thing the bed was HUGENORMOUS.

As it was that’s where I currently was and I hate to admit it but I really liked the feel of his strong tattooed arms wrapped around me. It was only once I opened my eyes I realized Lil and Jimmy were gone. I turned in Brian’s arms so I could look at him. “Where’s Lil?”

Brian rubbed soothing circles on my lower back. “She’s out training.”

I pouted. “Already?” I was the morning person not Lil. Hell I was usually up moving at least an hour before her.

Brian frowned as his eyes trailed over my face. “Sera it’s one o’clock in the afternoon.”

I sat straight up in the bed. “WHAT?!” He couldn’t be right. I NEVER slept this late, EVER. “Why did you let me sleep so late?!”

Brian sat up as well the sheet falling away as he did. Good lord he was mouth watering shirtless. He had taken to sleeping in sweats after Lil threatened castration if she accidentally saw anything. “I wasn’t going to wake you when you were finally sleeping soundly.”

“You should have woken me.” I crossed my arms over my chest. This wasn’t like me. I wasn’t like me, not since that demon… I couldn’t finish that thought. I didn’t need too since I relived it every night. I pulled my knees to my chest and immediately felt Brian’s arms surround me again.

His lips pressed against my temple gently. “Don’t think about it, you’re safe now.”

He knew. He always seemed to know. Then again he had been practically glued to my side since the attack. Again, I didn’t mind it. I didn’t like being alone anymore unless of course it involved me being undressed and then I locked myself in the room. I didn’t answer him with words, just curled into his chest, my head buried into his shoulder.

He didn’t say anything for awhile, neither of us did. “You need to get ready.”

I pulled back looking at him confused. “For what?”

“We’re going out.” He smiled and I swear my heart faltered. It softened the hard planes of his handsome face, was reflected in the warmth in his deep honey brown eyes.

I reached up touching his cheek, I had never seen his eyes this color, and they were amazing. “Your eyes.” I whispered.

He grabbed a hold of my hand and brought it to his lips kissing the pads of my finger tips. “You’re stalling. You need to go get ready.”

He was partly right; I had to give him that. I reluctantly crawled out of the bed, out of the safety of his arms. I took a quick shower but not before locking the door firmly behind me. A half hour later I was making way back out into the bedroom. Brian was sitting on the bed, leaning against the headboard.

I pulled the towel tighter around myself feeling uncomfortable and vulnerable. Brian got off the bed slowly as if he was afraid of scaring me. I hated this, the way everyone was on eggshells around me now. I hated the fact that they did it because it was needed even more.

“You should wear this.” He said motioning to a light lavender dress. “It matches the color of your eyes.”

I stood there speechless. He sounded so sincere, like he gave a damn. Only Lil had ever liked my eyes. Most people would stare and give me funny looks. It’s not every day you meet someone with lavender color eyes. I usually wore blue contacts to keep the looks and questions to a minimum.

“I’ll be right outside the door.” He said before moving silently out said door.

I let the towel drop, pulled on my skivvies which was followed quickly by the dress. I did a little spin and giggled as the dress swirled around my legs. It was a strapless wonder of lace and chiffon, the kind of thing you couldn’t help but feel girly in. I loved it. I slipped on white flats, dabbed a little perfume behind my ears, on each wrist and between my breasts. What? Like that’s abnormal? I like smelling good.

“You look more beautiful then I imagined.”

I spun at the sound of Brian’s voice my hand going to my throat on instinct. He was still in his sweat pants and shirtless. He really had stayed by the door, my heart melted a little more. He had been so sweet since the attack I was having a hard time remembering that I meant nothing to him. I was a girl and he was horny, end of story.

“Sorry I didn’t mean to scare you.” He said as he walked over slowly to where I stood in front of the dresser.

I gave him a reassuring smile. “It’s okay I’m just a little jumpier these days.”

His eyes hardened slightly as his mind went no doubt what had happened the last time we went out. His hands clenched and unclenched by his side. “You shouldn’t have to be.”

I picked up my mother’s cross, caressing it slightly. Brian had given it back to me and I would be eternally grateful. “Help?” I asked lifting the necklace so he could see it.

He walked over silently his brown eyes burning into me. I raised my long hair up off my neck, closing my eyes as his fingers brushed over my skin. Only when I felt the cold metal against my skin did I open my eyes.

I couldn’t breathe.

I watched his reflection in the mirror. His eyes bored into me and I felt like he was seeing clear down into my soul. He let his hands fall to my shoulders, his fingers caressing my collar bones gently. You know the two bones that stick out slightly on your chest.

Brian closed his eyes as he leaned down slightly. I heard him inhale only to exhale my name.


I had never really liked my name. That was until the first time I heard Brian say it. And he had never said it like he just had. It sounded like a prayer and plea all at the same time. I raised my hands to rest over his. “It wasn’t your fault. It wasn’t Lil’s fault. I willingly put myself in danger.”


I shrugged as I looked away from his all seeing eyes down to our hands. “I didn’t want her big night ruined. She worked so hard on Fallen. She deserved to have her time in the spotlight.”

I looked back up when he didn’t speak. He looked like he was trying to figure out a really hard math problem in his head and wasn’t having any luck. He looked so cute with that puzzled look on his face I had to giggle.

It seemed to snap him out of wherever he had gone. He smiled and again my heart tripped over itself. “I’ll never understand you.”

I grinned wider. “I’m a girl, you’re not supposed to.”

“Are you ready yet for crying out loud?!” I laughed at the impatient sound of Lil’s voice.

“I am!” I replied happily as I stepped away from Brian.

“Bout fuckin time.” She sighed as she flopped down on the bed. “Good lord Demon spawn go get some clothes on already. If I have to spend one more minute in here I’m going to go ape shit.”

“Well we can’t have that.” Brian chuckled with a firm smirk on his face. Lil rolled her eyes as Brian left the room.

I climbed on the bed beside her. “How is your arm feeling?”

Lil sighed at me. “For the millionth time its fine. Your Jesus magic worked like a charm.”

I wrapped my arm around her. She had been different since the attack. Her guilt was keeping her at a distance from me. Most wouldn’t notice but I could feel it and it hurt worse than anything. “So do you know what we’re doing?”

A grin lit up her face, reminding me of the days when we were children and use to sneak cookies before dinner. Lil had always been the one to take them and I had been the look out. “Yeppers sure do.”

I raised a brow at her but she didn’t say anything. “And that is?”

“Getting Arabesque a friend.”

I squealed like the girl I am. “I’m getting a pet too?!”

Lil was shaking her head laughing at me. “Yep, sure am.”

I practically jumped off the bed, pulling her with me. “Well then what are we waiting for?! To the pound we go!”
I wandered around the pound my heart breaking every time I saw another animal in its cage. A puppy or a kitty? Decisions, decisions. I looked around for Lil wanting her help. “Where’s Lil?”

Zacky who was standing beside me looking at the adorable little puppies answered. “Trying to talk The Rev into letting her get Ara a friend.”

I laughed. Of course she was.

Brian chuckled too. “Bet she gets two.”

I made my way over to where they kept the cats. I wanted to take them all home, every last one. Hell I wanted to take every animal in here home with me. I walked over where the kittens were. “Can I pick them up?”

“Of course you can.” Brian looked over at Zacky who nodded. He went to stand at the door as the cage miraculously opened. Immediately they all started to meow and try to get out. I laughed as they crawled over Brian. All of them but one.

A tiny all black kitten with clouded blue eyes laid dangerously still. I reached in and pulled the underweight creature out. It was sick, dying. Tears sprang to my eyes as my heart broke for it. Before I realized what I was doing a soft white light cocooned the tiny animal.

When the light died, blue eyes now bright with life looked up at me. It meowed once before its little motor started to run on full blast. I cradled it delicately to my chest as I rubbed its tiny head.

Brian and Zacky were both smiling at me when I looked up.

“Found a keeper?” Zacky asked from the doorway.

“I think so.” I said resting my cheek on its head.

“Come on then.” Brian said as he put the rest of the kittens back in their cage.

“So what’s his name?” Zacky asked as the three of us walked back to where Lil, Jimmy, and Matt waited for us.

I looked down at the kitten. “Cheshire.”

“Well I’ll tell you one thing.”

Zacky and I both looked over at Brian.

“Cheshire is fucking lucky.”

“I second that.”

I looked down. Oh good lord they were staring at my chest, which is where Cheshire was sleeping. I shook my head at them. “You both are horrible.”

“We try.” They said in unison.

“Oh my God he’s sooooo cute!” Lil squealed. “What’s his name?”

“Cheshire.” I said smiling.

“You and your obsession with Alice in Wonderland, I swear.” She teased me.

“Yeah I know, now where to?” I said looking around our guardians.

Lil rolled her eyes at me. “Duh, the pet store.”

“To the pet store!” I said raising my fist into the air laughing.
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Today's The Real Story of Heaven and Hell's birthday! It's a year old today and today also marks the one year anniversary of Jeze and me cowriting together :) Comment and subscribe? It makes us warm and fuzzy inside.