Status: Completed!

The Real Story of Heaven and Hell


Cooking with Sera made everything feel normal.
That is, until our guardians walked in the room.
“Ooh, they made us food!” Jimmy clapped. I gave him a look that said, “What the fuck?”
“Jimbo’s easily excited.” Matt shrugged, grabbing plates from the cabinet over my head. They cleaned up the dishes since we cooked the food. I yawned so widely my jaw cracked.
“Who are we kicking out of their room tonight?” I asked, rubbing my eyes.
“You guys can have mine.” Jimmy offered. I nodded and linked arms with Sera.
“Nighty night.” I called over my shoulder at the others, following my guardian down the hall to a room decorated in red and black. I liked it. It was something I would have picked out.
I took a flying leap and landed on my stomach on the bed. “Ahh. Squishy mattress.” Sera landed next to me and we rolled under the covers almost in unison.
“Sleep well.” Jimmy settled into a chair in the corner.
“Are you just gonna stare at us while we sleep?” I asked, propping myself up on one elbow.
“Pretty much, yeah.” He shrugged. “Its what we have to do to keep you two safe.” I sighed and flopped back down.
“I can’t sleep with him staring at us like that.” Sera groaned after about half an hour. “Just get in here, so we can go to sleep!” I stuck my head under the pillow. “For Christ’s sake.” He sighed, but he got in next to me. I settled in with my back to him.
“Good night Sera. Good night Lil.” Jimmy said.
“Good night Jimmy. Good night Lil.” Sera said.
“What, are we the fucking Waltons? Just go to sleep!” I snapped.
Getting out of bed without waking up the two sleeping angels was not the easiest thing I’d ever done, but I managed it.
I was thankful my iPod had been in my pants pocket when we’d run from the demons, otherwise I’d just be dancing around like an idiot. I ran through the steps of the latest combination I’d learned.
I dropped to the floor in the final step and heard applause. I spun, scared nearly to death.
“You’re an amazing dancer.” Matt said, helping me up. Every fricking one of our guardians just saw me dance.
“She’s going to be a professional dancer.” Sera said proudly.
“Hey, don’t put me in the spotlight doctor girl.” I cuddled my sister.
“You two are both awesome.” Johnny seemed to have no patience today. “Go get something to eat, and then we’re gonna start teaching you how to use your powers.” We scampered off into the kitchen to grab some bagels and coffee.
“Okay, you seem to have the corner on the demon rage market, so I’m gonna teach you something different.” Matt said, sitting me down in a completely empty room. The only things in the room were some cushy mats on the floor. Jimmy sat across from me, next to Matt.
“So what are we learning?” I asked, sitting criss-cross applesauce like they taught us in kindergarten.
“Hexjbita.” Matt said.
“Uh, in English please?” It sounded like something an old Russian woman in a vampire movie would say.
“It means skin stealer. I’m gonna teach you how to possess people.” Matt pointed at Jimmy. “Picture yourself looking out through his eyes, looking at me. You might not get it the first time.” I closed my eyes and pictured it in my head. I felt myself sort of sliding, and when I opened my eyes again, I was looking out from a much higher place.
“Whoa.” It wasn’t my voice. It was Jimmy’s. I stood up shakily, getting used to his much longer legs. It felt weird, being proportioned like this. As soon as I could walk normally, I started dancing. Jimmy wasn’t quite as flexible as I was, but I managed.
I’m still in here you know. You’re just manning the controls. Jimmy said in my (our?) head.
“How do I get out?” That had just occurred to me.
“Just picture yourself outside of him, looking at him.” Matt said.
I tried for a fucking hour.
“Brian!” Matt yelled. “We have a situation here!” He practically teleported into the room.
“Where’s Lil?” Brian asked.
“In here.” I waved.
“You got stuck in there?” He chuckled. “Okay. I think I know how to get you out.”
Finally! Jimmy yelled. He was not happy that I was in control.
“If I slap the body, will Jimmy feel it?” I asked.
“He won’t feel it until you leave.” Brian shrugged.
“Okay. Matt, kick him in the nuts.” I gestured down at his crotch.
Get her out! Jimmy screamed.
“I have a feeling Jimbo isn’t enjoying this turn of events.” Brian put his hands on my shoulders and looked straight into my eyes. I heard air rushing by my ears and a loud pop. I landed on my ass behind Jimmy.
“Thank God.” Jimmy shook his whole body like a dog shaking off water.
“That wasn’t much fun for me either. I don’t wanna walk around for the rest of my life in your body.” I shot back.
“I’d get Sera if I were you.” Matt said softly. I nodded my agreement. I needed to calm down a little, and Sera helped me chill out.
“So Matty.” I stretched. “Teach me how to shoot fire.”
“Uhh, we need Zacky for that.” Matt looked nervous.
“Why?” I feel like an idiot, asking all these questions.
“Zacky has his holy force fields. None of us are fire-retardant.” Jimmy was too sarcastic to be an angel. It was official.
He’s really damn cute though, so I’ll let it slide.