Tales Of Twisted Faith

Chapter 11

"Jade. Jade-Lynne, sweetheart it's time to wake up." I opened one of my eyes.

"Mom? You're home already," I asked yawning slightly.

"Jade, it's almost two in the afternoon."

"Mmm what?"

"You slept most of the day. Frankie said you couldn't sleep and that we shouldn't wake you for a while."

Note to self: Thank Frankie a lot. "Thanks Mom."

"Sure. You better go pack. Your flight leaves at four."

"How did you know I didn't pack," I asked looking up at her. I know she wouldn't go snooping in my room.

"You procrastinate. You always pack minutes before you have to go someplace, just like your dad. You are packing ahead of time for tour. By a head of time I mean a few days in advance," she said nodding.

"Is Frankie still here," I asked sitting up.

"No Frankie took Ivy and him home. Why; were you planning something?" She looked apologetic.

"Nope. I was just wondering if he was going to the airport with Jason and I. He usually goes to the airport when I go to Chicago," I said plainly.

"Well you can call him if you want," she said before starting to walk out of the room. "Don't forget to pack!"

"I won't," I mumbled before rolling off the couch I had been sleeping on the past three nights. I stumbled up to my room where I put on a clean pair of clothes and dug for my suitcase, which was actually a small army issued duffel bag. I shoved in a pair of converse before going to my closet to find a dress. Why did I need a dress to go to my dad's? Well he always insisted that we go out someplace nice while I was there. I pulled out a dark purple dress that had tiny, tiny bats printed on it. i neatly folded it before setting it in the bag also. I then grabbed a few plain tee shirts and jeans throwing them in the bag. To top it all off I put my make-up case in. My make-up consisted of eyeliner, a little eye shadow, some chap stick, and more eyeliner. I picked up my phone and prepared to call Frankie.

"Frankie," I shouted as soon as someone picked up the phone.

"Not quite, this is just Frank, Jade-Lynne."

"Damn, how'd you know it was me," I asked like he was just a common friend.

"You're Frankie's only friend," he said. I could imagine him shrugging.

"Har, har. So can I talk to Frankie," I asked impatiently, but as politely as I could.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, but no. Frankie got sick, that's why we had to go home so quickly."

"Oh. Tell him I hope he feels better," I sighed. I really wanted him to come.

"I will. Thanks for calling."

"Sure, bye," I said hanging up. I grabbed my duffel bag throwing it over my shoulder. I wobbled down to the front door making sure not to drop my bag.

"Any news on Frankie," Mom asked taking my bag from me and handing it to Mikey.

"He's sick," I said calmly.

"oh that's too bad." I nodded agreeing with the statement, before walking to the car to go to the airport.