Tales Of Twisted Faith

Chapter 12

I walked into the airport gripping my backpack. I was nervous to come back home to Chicago. I don't know why I was anxious. Maybe it had to do with Frankie not being with me.

"Jade is your dad picking you up," Bob said kindly looking at me.

"I don't know. I'll call him." He nodded before grabbing a bag. "Dad," I asked when he picked up the phone.

"Hey Hun. I'm making my way over to the bag lift." I smiled, he always knew what I was calling about.

"Thanks," I said before hanging up and shoving the phone in my bag. "Dad," I screamed jumping onto his back.

"Hey Jade," he said trying to pry me off his back.

"Bob, my dad's here," I said looking over at the soon-to-be happy family.

"Okay. So we'll be seeing you? I know Jason will want to be around Leslie and you," Bob said.

"Yes, we'll see you. Go ahead and go home. Sleep off the jet lag," Dad said smiling at them.

"Bye." I waved to them as they walked towards the exit. "So Dad-Jade time?"

"Not official Dad-Jade time. If it was official you'd be dressed up."

"Ha ha that's really funny Dad. Wanna grab my duffel bag for me so that we can get back to Lisa and the girls?"

"Yeah yeah," he said grabbing my bag. "So how come Frankie's not with you," he asked as we shuffled out to his car.

"Frankie got sick."

"So that's the long face. He couldn't drive with you to the airport. You depend on that boy too much, honey."

"Dad, I do not. He's my best friend. It's impossible to count on him too much."

"Don't bet on it Jade." I just rolled my eyes. "Please listen to me Jade-Lynne. I know this is weird because we don't have father-daughter talks, but just listen okay?"

"Okay," I said nodding and looking at my father.

"Your mom and I were best friends, sort of like you and Frankie, but older. We still are pretty good friends, but I just don't want you getting hurt or doing something stupid. Me and your mom were nineteen and look what happened. Don't think in any way that you're a mistake and we regret what we did because that's sure as hell a big lie. I just don't want you doing something so reckless at fifteen. Do you understand what I'm trying to say?"

"Yes I do understand. There's no need to worry though, Frankie and I aren't that way. I love him, but I'm not in love with him, so it's perfectly alright," I said looking straight at him.

"That's what I thought."

"Dad are you implying something," I questioned staring out the window.

"No, I'm not. I was just stating a fact. Does anyone note how similar you are to me? 'Cause I can tell right now."

"Mom was saying that today. She mentions that a lot. Is it that apparent," I asked as we drove along getting closer to home, my dad's home.

"Mercy would know. You look like your mother a lot more than you look like me, but you act a good deal like me, well like I used to act."

"Used to," I snorted trying to grasp the thought that he had grown-up any.

"Yes. I used to be much more immature. I know it's unbelievable, but it's true."

"You're not serious," I said laughing.

"Yes I am, so fucking serious."

"Whatever you say Dad," I murmur in between laughter.

"You'll be okay to have supper with us right? Not too jet lagged are you? Leslie and Maxine will be excited to see you; they didn't know you were coming."

Leslie and Maxine are my half sisters. Actually Leslie isn't directly related to me by genes at all. Leslie's father left and divorced her mother, Lisa, when she was seven, later that year Lisa met my dad. Lisa is their mother and my stepmother, she's tall, five eight a few inches higher than me, she has brown eyes and brown hair that's so dark it looks almost black.

"You didn't tell them I was coming," I asked shocked. Usually they know that I'm coming before I do.

"No they don't know. I'd figure for once you'd like it to be a surprise. You aren't upset about that right?"

"Of course not. I'm just a little surprised. This is awesome," I squealed as we pulled up in front of the house. It's a small house, four bedrooms, a living room, kitchen, the usual house. It's smaller than my house in Jersey, much smaller. We pulled up and I jumped out, excitement flowing through me.