Tales Of Twisted Faith

Chapter 13

"Jade," Maxine screamed as I entered the house. She had been sitting on the couch watching TV. She could clearly see when I came through the doors from her seat.

"Hey Ellemenohpee," I sang like the alphabet.

"Hello Jade."

"Hey Lisa," I said enthusiastically.

"Jade, Jade, will you come play with me," Maxine asked tugging on the sleeve of my jacket in a cute childish way.

"Maybe after dinner Max. I think Mommy has it all finished," my dad said scooping Maxine up in his arms. She looked at me hopefully.

"Of course I'll play with you after dinner," I said nodding. "Dad, want me to take my bags upstairs?"

"Nah, it'll be okay to just leave them here, unless you have something in them that is really important."

"No, I'll take them up later," he nodded walking off into the kitchen.

"Leslie! Get off the phone and get down here to have dinner with us! Jared's home," Lisa shouted through out the house, towards where ever Leslie must've been. I heard grumbling and someone stomping down the stairs.

"Jade," I heard after Leslie came into view. "Ohmigosh! Jade what are you doing here? I didn't know you were coming! Why didn't you guys tell me she was coming?"

"Surprise," I said sheepishly.

"Surprise," Dad shouted after me.

"So when are you going home Jade," Leslie asked getting over the 'shock'.

"Um, I'm not sure," I looked over at my dad trying to pull an answer from him.

"Tour only starts in a few weeks," He said shrugging, like that was supposed to give me the answer.

"Probably a week or something. I don't know," she nodded before Lisa called us all in to eat, again.

After dinner I played with Maxine like I said I would. She finally went to bed and I walked into Leslie's room to see what she was doing. Leslie's room was 'hot pink' with a baby blue rug and mostly blue furniture. It was pretty much like any thirteen year old's room.

"Les, what's up," I asked before realizing she was on the phone. "Oh sorry." I walked out of the room and into my own. I sighed sitting down on my bed. I decided to unpack my bag so that my clothes weren't all messed up. Yes, I am sort of a neat freak. After refolding my clothes, I pulled on some sweatpants that I could sleep in and walked downstairs.

"Hey Hun what's up," Dad called as I walked past the living room.

"I was just going to sit on the back porch for a while," I answered still walking to the front of the house.

"Then why are you walking this direction," Lisa asked politely.

"To get my laptop and coffee or orange juice or something," I replied scooping my bag off the bench by the door. They shrugged and went back to cuddling and watching their TV show. I walked into the kitchen pouring myself a glass of orange juice and walking out to the backyard. I put my things down on the small table. I set up my laptop and logged into my screen name.

blackcats&rainbows: Frankie!
suicidestalkers: Jadey!
blackcats&rainbows: you're not sick are you?
suicidestalkers: not really
blackcats&rainbows: so you're better or you were pretending?
suicidestalkers: second one
suicidestalkers: actually not pretending dad just sucks at excuses >.<
blackcats&rainbows: so you're ignoring me?
suicidestalkers: am I talking to you?
blackcats&rainbows: true
blackcats&rainbows: dude i miss you
suicidestalkers: you saw me like this morning
blackcats&rainbows: I know
blackcats&rainbows: =)
blackcats&rainbows: so i should probably go inside now
suicidestalkers: you're outside?!
suicidestalkers: you could get shot!
blackcats&rainbows: shut up Frankie i will not
suicidestalkers: yeah whatever
blackcats&rainbows: =P so I'll talk to you at some point
blackcats&rainbows: I'm going to go to bed or something
suicidestalkers: call me?
blackcats&rainbows: if you're not sick
suicidestalkers: *rolls eyes*
blackcats&rainbows: 'Night Frankie
suicidestalkers: night Jade-Lynne

I shut off my computer and walked back inside. I finished my drink before rinsing the cup and walking back into the hall to go upstairs.

"G'night Dad, Lisa."

"Goodnight Jade," they called back.

I sighed and dragged myself up to my room, carrying my bag along. I set my back by my bed and fell next to it, on my bed. I was about to crawl under my blankets with my Ipod when Leslie burst into the room.

"Wad'da ya want," I slurred sleepily. The jet lag was finally catching up to me.

"We have to talk," She said holding out the word talk.

"No, I'm tired."

"Yes," She said pulling me up in bed.

"Fine," I gave in, knowing I'd fall asleep soon anyhow.