Tales Of Twisted Faith

Chapter 15

Jason, Leslie, and I paced around the mall going into every teenage oriented store and I mean every. Leslie couldn't care less what the store was called just as long as it had something she could buy.

Jason and Leslie held hands while I stood as the odd one out. Let me tell you it was earning me some uncomfortable stares. I sort of wished Frankie was here right now. Even when we all were single it looked like we were out on a double date so it never mattered. Now I was being singled out (among checked out) by random strangers.

While uncomfortably standing inside American Eagle waiting for Leslie I noticed a small privately owned record store. I stepped over to Jason telling him I was going in there.

"Without me," Jason practically whined.

"You're waiting for your girlfriend so shut it. I'm going over to visit my love, music. Chill, I'll be back," I nodded for effect before quickly exiting the store.

I bounded into the awaiting doors of the music store. I sighed, visibly realizing as I noticed how homely the store felt. I melded into my normal state from the ridged person I was while shopping. I walked through the sections looking for something I didn't own. Excellent, Atreyu!

"Hey there." A soft voice came from my left. I turned around to see who I was talking to before answering.

"Oh hello," I said to the boy. He looked around my age and he was sporting a brunette faux haux.

"Looking for anything particular? I mean, I don't work here, but I'm around often enough that it seems like I do," he smiled sheepishly, like it was embarrassing to have such a love of music.

"No it's alright I've got everything," I said holing up my Atreyu CD and smiling at him. "I was just looking anyhow."

"Oh alright. I'm Will, by the way. If you need anything just yell for me, I'll be there in a heart beat. I-I mean I sh-should be around," he blushed heavily staring at the ground.

"Nice to meet you Will. I'm Jade-Lynne, you don't happen to have a last name would you?"

"Only if you do," he said smirking. Well there goes a chance to have some Chicago friends. I couldn't exactly tell him my last name was Leto and I was the infamous daughter of Jared Leto and the step-daughter of Mikey Way.

"Sadly, I can't share that information at this given moment."

"Don't want a crazy stalker?"

Actually I don't want people to like me just because of who's daughter I am. "Something like that."

"I promise I won't stalk you that much. I won't bug you at all." I was about to explain that it doesn't work that way, but then Jason burst through the doors.

"Jade! I finally got Leslie out of that store. I had a hard time getting her in there though."

"Shut up Jason, I'm right behind you," Leslie practically shouted.

"Will, my man, what are you doing here," Jason said bouncing over to Will to give him one of those 'manly hugs'.

"Just talking to this beauty, with excellent musical taste, right here," he said gesturing towards me. I'm not one for flattery so I just stood there with my arms crossed and rolled my eyes.

Jason was suddenly roaring with laughter. "Jade... Jade, our Jade-Lynne, b-beautiful? Ahhaha, that's gotta be the fun-funniest thing since, since."

"Your damn face, Jason," I said calmly. Honestly this was no big deal to me. Jason and I would never be like that, and frankly that's the way it should be.

"Shut up Jason! Jade is to pretty. Why are you always so rude towards her," Leslie yelled. She was used to us acting this way, insulting each other and stuff. It embarrasses her though when we act that way in public; it's all in good nature though.

"That's the way we are Les, no need to get upset," I said still calm.

"Um sorry to cause a fuss," Will said obviously confused and anxious.

"It's okay really. We act this way all the time. Sorry if we've made you uncomfortable," I answered him smoothly.

"No, I'm not uncomfortable, just a little... okay uncomfortable," He sighed laughing a bit.

"Sorry dude," Jason said after gaining enough breath to talk again.

"'S okay. You guys seriously act like this all the time though," he asked as if he were double checking that he didn't do anything wrong.

"Seriously," I assured him.

"Yeah, you should hear some of her comebacks, they're rancid," Jason said with a slightly scared expression on his face.

"Oh yes, scary," I said rolling my eyes. "Well, I should be paying for this and then leaving." I nodded towards the Atreyu CD in my hand.

"I'll see you around," Will asked hopefully.

"You know Jason, so you probably will," I said walking over to the counter to buy my CD.

"Awesome. Well I'll see you," he said as Leslie, Jason, and I exited the store.

"Bye man," Jason called and I gave a small wave. "Will has defiantly got a crush on our little Jade-Lynne."

"Jason, just shut up," I said delightfully to him.

"He did seem to only care about your opinion Jade. And he was paying extra attention to you," Leslie said softly. I couldn't fight with her.

"Aw little Jade is slaying them all over the place."

"Shut up Jason."

"Little Frankie and now good Will. What are we going to do with you?"



"Shut up."