Tales Of Twisted Faith

Chapter 17

When we arrived home I quickly went to my room to change. After being in my comfortable jeans and a 30 Seconds to Mars tee, yes I was promoting my father's band, I went around trying to find Leslie.

"Lisa, have you seen Leslie? I can't find her anywhere," I asked after awhile.

"She's down at the park with Jason."

"Thanks, do you mind if I go down there too?"

"No go right ahead."

"Thank you Lisa," I said hugging her.

"Mommy, can I go with Jade to play in the park? Please," little Maxine asked running over to her mom.

"I'm not sure she wants to take you down there," Lisa said with a quizzical expression on her face.

"Oh I don't mine," I said stepping up to the after. Maxine squealed with joy when Lisa let us go. "Little Ellemenohpee and I are going to the park," I sang as I helped her pull on a sweatshirt and her shoes.

I grabbed her hand and we walked out the door. We proceeded down the sidewalk. We were almost to the park and Maxine was beginning to get excited. She tried to run ahead, but I just gripped her hand tighter. She looked up at me expectantly so I gave her a small smile and walked a little faster. We were just on the outskirts of the park so I could see the swings and I could clearly hear people laughing. I spotted Jason's blue hair and let Maxine run off as I walked over to where Jason was.

Being as quiet as I could, I started sneaking up on them. Once I got close enough, I quickly jumped on Jason's back. "Rawr!" Needless to say, Jason screamed like such a little girl, his scream was high pitched, but rough. I honestly wasn't sure if his voice would return to it's past octave.

"Jade what the fucking hell was that for?"

"Yeah Jade, did you really have to make my boyfriend's voice all high and raspy," Leslie practically whined to me.

"That was so hardcore." That was when I realized that Leslie and Jason were not alone.

"Um, hello," I basically asked.

"I bet you didn't expect to run into me again this soon. Did you," Will asked walking over to stand by me.

"No actually I didn't expect to see you this soon, but I shouldn't be surprised." I started to glare at Jason and Leslie because they, so obviously, set this up. Gosh I thought I had explained this to Leslie earlier.

"Hey, don't be mad about this. They were doing what they thought was right."

"Oh I'm sure," I said rolling my eyes.

"Jade, stop being so negative," Leslie called over to me.

"Shut up Jason."

"What I didn't do anything," he asked rather shocked.

"I know," I answered calmly.

"Then why'd you yell at me?"

"I couldn't yell at my own sister, now could I?" A small smirk was slipping onto my face and Jason noticed it.

"Loser," was his comeback.

"Why thank you." Jason turned back to speak with Leslie.

"I enjoy watching you guys. It's quite entertaining actually."

"I'm glad you enjoy it," I said with a small smile and an eye roll.

"I enjoy you," he said taking a step closer to me.

I took a step back. I didn't know I'd have to build a fence so soon. "I'm sorry. I think you're a great guy, I was hoping we could be friends. I couldn't be more though; I'm sorry."

"It's okay really. I shouldn't have gone to flirting like this. Maybe we can start again and just be friends. Sounds good," he asked slowly.
