Tales Of Twisted Faith

Chapter 18

Today was my last day in Chicago before going back to Jersey for a few days, then starting the tour. I had been spending a lot of time with Leslie, Will, and Jason. Will still didn't know my last name, and apparently didn't care enough to get Leslie's. I was kind of grateful for that too. At least I'd have another honest Chicago friend for awhile.

This morning Jason, Leslie, Will, and I are actually planning on hanging out. We were going to the early movie showing and then we were eating at a diner close to home. It seemed a lot like a double date, but they already knew where I stood on that subject, so I didn't worry too much.

"Jade are you ready," Leslie asked knocking on my door.

"Yeah, yeah almost," I murmured smearing more eyeliner on my eyes.

"Good, meet us downstairs when you're ready." We? Who else could possibly be here? I thought we were meeting at the movies.

I walked into the hall closing the door to my bedroom behind me. I headed down the hall towards the stairwell. I skipped into the kitchen, grabbing a mug and pouring myself some coffee.

"Jade, come on let's go! I really doubt you need coffee," Leslie shouted from the front hall. I quickly gulped down my coffee before walking to where Leslie's voice came from.

"You've gotta pick your poisons Les," I said when I reached her. Unsurprisingly Jason was with her, though surprisingly enough so was Will. I gave her the 'what the heck is he doing here, what if Dad shows up' look.

"Quoting Mikey Way," Will asked raising and eyebrow.

"You could say that."

"Jade-Lynne, could you come here a minute," Dad suddenly called from the kitchen.

"Your dad sounds a lot like Jared Leto."

"Yes, he gets that a lot doesn't he Leslie?"

"Oh yes, more than you know," she mumbled before shouting to our dad, "can Jade talk to you later? We were about to go out with Jason and Will."

"Of course, have fun," he said quickly, once realizing someone was here who didn't know who he was.

"See you," we called when walking away.

"That was close," Leslie mumbled so that only Jason and I could hear. Jason began laughing like it was going out of style.

"What's so funny," Will asked looking at Jason.

"Nothing, Jason just has mental issues where he randomly starts laughing. Haven't you noticed that," I helplessly tried to cover up.

"Oh, now that I think about it, he does laugh at pretty odd times," Will said nodding.

"You're just lucky he like you so much he'd delude himself into thinking something was real just to please you," Jason grumbled.

"Shut up. That is not true Jade. I swear it's not," Will said, seemingly begging me to believe him.

"So are you excited to go home and see your boyfriend again Jade," Leslie asked, changing the subject to another bad subject.

"Frankie is not my boyfriend, why do you guys insist on believing such lies?" It gets slightly aggravating when they always refer to us as a couple, when we clearly are not.

"Who's Frankie," Will asked.

"My best friend in Jersey," I replied simply.

"You live in Jersey? Cool, know anyone cool there?"

"Loads of cool people," I said in a sarcastic tone to throw him off. "If I asked you if you knew anyone 'cool' here, what would you say?"


"Who," I asked, honestly wanting to know the answer now.


I looked over to Jason and Leslie for help. Does he know my secret? Holy hell I hope not. "E-ex-excuse me?"

"You're pretty amazing Jade. I hope to see you again when you come back to Chicago."

"Um, thanks," I said, grateful he didn't know.

"Jade's not gone yet. Let's get this going," so now she comes up with a good topic change.