Tales Of Twisted Faith

Chapter 20

As I walked into my house I was immediately mauled by young children. Everyone must be here. Ivy, Zack, and Micheal were gripping onto my lower legs, while Justine and Trevor held onto my upper legs. David was the only one big enough to give me a hug around my waist. Jasmin and Kevin crawled into the room to be part of the action. Frankie walked in behind me and they all rushed to maul him.

I could've sworn he mumbled something along the lines of, "is this what it's going to be like with our seven kids?"

"What," I asked looking over at him.

"Oh nothing," he said with a little color coming to his cheeks.


"Green, I missed you so much. I'm gonna miss you even more when you and Daddy and Frankie and Uncle Gee leave. Why do you have to go with them this time," David rambled on to me. How are you supposed to explain to an eight year old that this, once in a lifetime, tour could determine my, our, whole future?

"This is a big chance for us. Daddy says you should use your skills right," he nodded. "Well I have to do this so that I'm not wasting my skills."

"Oh, why do you have to be away so long though?"

"That's the way things are, Bud."

"Jade, can you come here a minute?"

"Sure Mom," I yelled dropping my bag and walking to the living room.

"Hey Jade."

"Hi Mikey."

"Jade, would you mind packing? We're leaving earlier this week than planned. Frankie and Myriam know already, so you just have to get ready," Mikey told me bluntly.

"Oh, yeah I can do that. What day are we leaving?"


"But, that's in two days," I said thoughtfully.

"Not enough time to pack," Mikey said with a smirk.

"Too much time, is more like it," I said with a glint in my eye.

"I figured this way it would give your mom enough time to check your bag."

"If I knew she wasn't ready I would've packed for her," Mom shrieked staring at me.

"It's okay Mom. I'll go start. Real quick first though," I said raising my index finger. "Why are all the kids here?"

"Oh, Gerard and Jenn went out and so did Ray and Helena. Frank is at his house packing his and Ivy's things, so we offered to watch Ivy for him and Frankie went to pick you up," Mikey nodded when he finished explaining.

"So can Frankie stay over then," I asked with a hopeful look.

"What did that have to do with all the kids being here," Mom questioned giving me a look.

"Nothing, I just wanted him to stay so I fit it into the conversation," I smiled widely.

"You did a pretty shitty-"

"Michael, please. Didn't we already discuss that we shouldn't swear around children because it's not socially acceptable," Mom reprimanded.

"Fuck that. Anyway, you did a pretty bad job at fitting it in. There was that better Mercy?"

"Much better, thank you. Sure Jade, Frankie can stay as long as you pack."

"Thanks Mom. I'll go do that then," I skipped off to find Frankie. When I found him he was being followed around by little kids. "Frankie, do you wanna stay over tonight?"

"Sure thing. Hun, wanna get these kids to stop following me?"

"If you'll help me pack," I said grinning. Anything to get me out of work right?

"Small price to pay, but I will. Now please?"

"Davey," I sung, calling him over.

"Yes Green," he said coming to me.

"Will you take the kiddies downstairs? Frankie has to help me pack."

"Sure, will you play with me later," he asked looking up at me.

"Is tomorrow okay? I don't think I'll be finished packing till then," I felt bad, like I was breaking this small child's heart.


"Thank you sweetheart," I said hugging the child.

"Lets play follow the leader. I'm the leader," David shouted to the children before leading them out of the room.

"Thanks Babe."

"Wait a minute, did you just call me 'babe'? You've been referring to me in pet names an awful lot lately. Why is that," I asked him. It was seriously angering me. Is there something that I'm missing?

"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't know I was. Sorry, I guess Dad and I have just been watching too many chick flicks lately," he said looking down. "You know they're my guilty pleasure."

I giggled at his girlishness. I don't think there's another guy out there as girlie as Frankie, not even a stereotypical gay one. "It's okay, I suppose. Could you try not calling me them though? It's not like we're a couple."

"We're a couple of idiots," Frankie said hopefully.

"I can agree to that," Frankie grinned happily. "Now come on, I need you to help me pack." His smile didn't seem to falter, even with the thought of packing. This was one happy kid.

We stumbled up both flights of stairs only to realize we forgot my bags, the ones I took to Dad's, downstairs. I laughed softly at our mistake and threw myself onto my bed. I started rolling around, trying to find a comfortable position. Frankie jumped onto my bed, almost landing on me.

"What are you doing," he whispered poking me.

"Trying to get comfy on this rock hard bed. Why else would I be rolling around this thing like an idiot?"

"I don't know, maybe because you are an idiot. That might have thrown me off a bit," he said with a big cheesy innocent smile.

"Thanks, thanks a lot," I murmured rolling my eyes. I felt Frankie wrap his arms around my waist. "What are you doing," it was now my turn to whisper the phrase. I shifted around a little more.

"Stop fidgeting around, I'm trying to make you comfy."

"How is this supposed to help me," I asked still moving around.

"Maybe if you stop moving around it'll be comfortable. Don't you ever think Jade," Frankie said this in an all knowing tone.

"Fine whatever," I grumbled, but then stopped moving anyway.

After a few minutes of laying there Frankie spoke again. "See that wasn't so bad. Feels rather comfortable now actually."

"Yeah, I guess," I did have to admit I was pretty comfortable now.

"Jade-Lynne, sweetheart, Mikey and I brought your stuff up. You and Frankie seemed to forget it. Oh," Mom finished her sentence awkwardly, standing in the middle of the doorway.

"Mercy move. You're not exactly holding up a ten pound bag." Mikey gently nudged Mom over so he could set the bag down in my room. He looked up and saw us laying on my bed. Frankie hadn't let go of me yet either.

"Shit," three of us said at the same time. Actually two of us mumbled and the other practically shouted. Frankie sat there contently staring at the three of us. I could tell he was trying to hid an amused expression. This wouldn't be good.