Tales Of Twisted Faith

Chapter 25

"Mom, we're home," I shouted through the house. "So who wants grilled cheese?"

"I do," Davey screamed. Justine nodded, agreeing with him. The twins were too tired to care.

"Grilled cheese it is. Davey, Justine, you guys can go play. Frankie, can you take Zachary and Michael into the living room?"

"Yes, I can," he said taking Micheal from my arms and carried him and Zack to the living room. I quickly walked into the kitchen. I walked over to the cupboard that held our frying pans and got the biggest one out. I grabbed our bread from the counter and threw it across the kitchen to our stove. I opened the fridge door grabbing the butter and cheese, I quickly made the sandwiches and called everyone back in.

The rest of the day was a blur of hanging out with Frankie, repacking a bunch of times because I hadn't found things my mom said I needed, and spending time with my family after Frankie left.

"Jade! Can I talk to you," Mikey called from the living room. I was in the kitchen cleaning up from dinner.

"I'm coming," I called back, putting the last dirty dish into the dishwasher. I slowly walked into the living room. "Yes?"

"C'm'ere," he said patting the couch he was sitting on. I sat on the other end of the couch pulling my knees up so I could face him. "Jade, I want to apologize for the other night. I didn't mean to get so upset. I understood it all after I cooled down a bit. I'm sorry it all got out of hand. I wanted to apologize before tour started. I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I should be the one apologizing. After all I'm the one who caused the problem. I'm sorry," I apologized.

"I forgive you if you forgive me."

"Deal," I exclaimed happily. "I'm glad this is over."

"Me too Jade. So are you ready for tour?"

"More than ready! I'm really really excited. I mean who would have thought that we would be going on tour? Gosh, it's just so exciting," I almost squealed.

Mikey laughed, "that's how it was for us. The excitement doesn't seem to die either."

"Ah, I can't wait for it!"

"You should go get some sleep. We're leaving pretty early, at like five."

"Why that early," I asked curiously.

"Well, we've got to pick up Myriam, because she lives just outside of town, and then we've got to get all the way to Chicago."

"Oh, well then see you tomorrow. Goodnight," I waved getting up off the couch.