Tales Of Twisted Faith

Chapter 26

I awoke to the shrill sound of my alarm clock. Four thirty in the fucking morning, this is just wonderful. I rolled off my bed after turning off the shrill machine. I walked to my closet and pulled out a pair of black sweats, an old t-shirt, and a hoodie, putting them all on. I sighed picking up my bags and hauling them downstairs. I stopped outside the bathroom door setting my bags down. I stepped inside, closing the door so the light wouldn't wake anyone up. I gathered my things, shoving them into a small bag. I walked back out and down the last flight of stairs. I dropped my things on the floor by the front door and sat next to them. I slipped on a pair of Dravens waiting for Mikey to come down.

"Good morning Jade," Mikey sung from his spot standing at the bottom of the stairs.

I grumbled my reply, leaning on my bags.

"Good-bye sweetheart," Mom rushed down the stairs. She came straight to my picking me up and hugging me tightly. "My little baby, growing up and leaving for a good amount of time. I'm going to miss you so much," she cooed.

"I'm going to miss you too, Mom," I said hugging her back. "Don't worry, I'll call you everyday, and I won't get into the 'rock-n-roll lifestyle' okay?"

"That's all I'm asking, Hun." I smiled brightly. I was going to miss my mom. She's the best fucking mom ever. She had now moved over to Mikey telling him she loved him and such. It was interrupted by Mikey's phone ringing.

"That's them, we have to leave now, bye Hun. I'll call you after a nap okay? I love you."

"Good-bye guys. I'll miss you and I love you."

"Bye Mom," I said stepping outside, bags in hand.

"Bye Jade-Lynne," I could swear she was crying. I couldn't take the risk and see though, because if she was, I would start. I waved as best as I could holing my many bags.

Mikey led me up the steps of the bus. "Just drop your bags on the floor, you can put them away later. There are four bunks in the back for your band. We figured you guys should share a bus with us."

"Okay, can I just crash on this couch for a bit," I asked yawning tiredly.

"Go for it," Mikey encouraged. I fell on the couch just as the bus started moving. "You'll get used to that."

"Stupid bus, stupid moving vehicles, stupid morning," I grumbled unhappily.

The bus stopped mere moments later to let another person on. If we had to do it this slowly all tour, I was totally going to explode.

"Morning Mikey, Jade-Lynne," Ray said stepping onto the bus. "So I'm going to go crash, do we have the normal bunking patterns?" Mikey nodded his reply and Ray trotted off to where I assumed the bunks were, leaving his bags. The bus started again, lurching forward. I groaned at the bumpy driving.

The bus stopped again, I had my eyes closed so I wasn't sure who we were picking up. "Good morning stars shine, the earth says hello," a familiar voice sung.

"Good morning my brother," Mikey laughed.

"So what are you doing out here? Usually you're asleep the minute you enter the bus," Uncle Gerard teased. Mikey must have made some kind of hand motions, because I heard no answer.

"Gerard, why'd you leave so fast? You could've at least waited for me and Frankie. I had to drag him outside and then lock my house. Thanks a load bud," 'Uncle' Frank said entering the bus. "Frank Jacob, get your ass on this bus now!"

"Yeah, yeah, oh couch!" Before I could register what was happening something was crushing me. All the air was pushed from my lungs, so I couldn't even cry out. "Why is your couch so uncomfortable?"

"Frankie! You're laying on Jade, get off get off," Mikey ushered him.

"Thank you Mikey," I gasped, finally getting some air.

"I'm so sorry Jade! Are you okay? I didn't break you, did I? I'm so so so sorry,"
Frankie said frantically. That's the only good thing about Frankie when he's tired, he's very caring.

"I'm fine. Sit down before-" the bus lurched forward causing Frankie to go flying. Unfortunately, I was his crash pad. Frankie had landed on me bashing our skulls against each others.

"I'm sorry Jade, I'm sorry," Frankie said pushing himself up by his arms, so that he was leaning over me.

"It's okay, could you get off me? This is sort of an uncomfortable position," I said smiling awkwardly at him.

"Oh sure, this is a little awkward," he said gently getting off me.

"Thank you," I sighed. It was a smooth ride until we stopped at Myriam's house. I saw her quickly climb onto the bus, dragging her bags behind her.

"Hey there, I like your hair. Who does your hair? I wanna go there," Frankie sung when he saw Myriam.

"Too early to sing," she grumbled letting her bags fall from her hands. "Jade, where are we sleeping?

"Mikey where are our bunks?"

"I'll take you there," he said standing up. Myriam, Frankie, and I followed him to the back of the bus. "Here, you guys decide which ones you want and Jason will have the last one," he said before leaving the small room that was consumed by bunks and a small space completely with pillows in one corner and drawers sticking out of the walls.

"Top," Myriam and I called at the same time. We high-fived before climbing onto our bunks.

"Fine, I wanted a bottom one anyway," Frankie said sourly.

"Good, 'cause you're not getting a top one," I smirked slightly.

"Guys stop fighting, I wanna sleep," Myriam complained.

"Wow a vampire who wants to sleep, that's strange."

"Shut up Frankie. Besides, it's almost daylight," Myriam defended.

"Guys, I'm sleeping. Shut up," I said smiling.