Tales Of Twisted Faith

Chapter 27

I groaned softly as something pounced on my bed. It just kept jumping and jumping and jumping. Well not exactly jumping, more like shaking and rocking. "Goddamn, will you stop," I grumbled angrily.

"Jade, who are you talking to?"

"You, now stop shaking my bed," I growled.

"I'm not shaking your bed," they sighed.

"Then why is it moving?"

"Jade, we're on the bus."

"Oh," I opened my eyes. "I'm sorry Frankie. I forgot we were on the bus already."

"It's okay, anyway we're almost to Chicago. I'm actually surprised that you slept that long. So, do you want to go play cards with me, Dad, Gerard, and Ray," Frankie said slowly.

"We're almost there," he nodded answering my question. "I guess I could play. Uncle Gee always cheats though. Just thought you should know," I said grinning widely.

"Yay," Frankie cheered. "Myriam's still sleeping. I guess she is a vampire."

"Of course she is," I said hopping off my bunk and landing on the floor. Unfortunately I didn't have my 'bus legs' yet, so I fell over.

"Jade, you have to be careful. Are you okay? Dude, that was a tough fall," Frankie said in a very concerned manner.

"Frankie, I'm fine. Shit it's hard to stand or walk in a moving vehicle," I groaned trying to stand up.

"No it's not," Frankie said pulling me up. He put his arm around my waist to make sure I didn't fall straight on my ass again.

"Let's play so cards," I grinned falling into the restaurant booth that they used for a table.

"Man Frankie, you brought a girl to play," Ray teased, shuffling the cards.

"Fuck yeah, this girl can kick all your asses. It'll be tough for you to beat me. Uncle Gee, no cheating. If you do I'll cut your pretty little fingers off. Same for you Frankie, you guys don't need them for singing," I smirked as Ray started to deal the cards.

"I don't cheat. What are you thinking of," Gerard said smirking.

"I will cut off your fingers. What are we playing," I asked innocently.

"Don't doubt her Gee," Frank said grinning, "and Shang Hi Rum."

"Who's keeping score," I asked picking up my eleven cards.

"I am," Ray said slightly holding up his hand, a pen intertwined between two fingers.

"Good," I said playfully glaring at Uncle Gee and Frankie.

"We don't cheat," Gerard defended them both.

"Right, right," I said as the game began. After the respective eleven rounds it turned out Frank won. "Frank, did you cheat?"

"Of course not. How could I cheat? Ray was keeping score."

"Okay, I believe you," I said smiling.

"Wait, you'll believe him, but you won't believe me," Frankie stated with wide eyes.

"That's because I know how you are Frankie."

"Guys, we're almost to Chicago. I'd recommend putting your bags on your bunks, and waking up Myriam," Mikey instructed. He then set an example by preforming what he said to do.

I stood up, dusting imaginary dirt off the back of my pants. "Nice game boys, but now I have stuff to do. I'm sure I'll be seeing you around, being we live on the same bus and all. Later," I grinned picking up my bags and carrying them to our small room. I threw my heavier packs up first before standing on Frankie's bed, which was directly below mine, and putting my backpack on my bed.

"Jade, what are you doing on my bed," Frankie asked stepping into the room.

"Oh you know, standing on it, sitting on it, jumping, I'm just testing it's squishiness."

"You're so weird," he commented, setting his bags on his bunk one I stepped off it.

"Thank you. Can you go get Vampire's bags? By the time I wake her up, we'll be there. Please," I asked with an adorable face, or at least what was meant to be an adorable face.

"I guess I could," Frankie sighed.

"Thank you," I sang as he walked out the door. "Oh little vampire child, wake up. Myriam, Hun, we're almost to Chicago, and I figured you wanted to change your clothes before going straight to sound check. However if I'm totally wrong then it doesn't matter, I'm still gonna push you out of that bunk."

"Ugh, Jade?"

"Yes sweetheart," I cooed willingly.

"Don't call me by pet names. It's fucking creepy," Myriam yawned.

"Guys," Mikey knocked on the door. "We're here, in Chicago, getting really close to the venue. I thought you should know."

"Thanks Mikey, we'll be out in a minute," I answered him. "So are you changing or just leaving those on?"

"I'm just wearing my sweats, only sound check right?"

"Yeah, I guess." We walked out of the bunk room and into the main section of the bus, where loud singing greeted us.

"Little cabin in the woods, little man by the window stood," Frankie sung loudly making big sweeping band motions.

"Saw a rabbit hopping by, knocking at his door," Gerard sung with the same amount of volume and big motions.

" 'Help me, help me' the rabbit said 'before the hunter shoots me dead!' Come little rabbit come inside, safely to abide," they both finished together.

"Bravo, encore!"

"Shut up Jade. We were just warming up our voices. Don't make fun of us." Frankie said defensively.

"I wasn't making fun of you. I truly enjoyed that. Sing Ms. Mary Mack for us," I laughed. Honestly this was a funny situation.

"Jade," Frankie whined.

"Frank, don't whine," his father scolded.

"I'm not and Jade's being mean to me," he complained.

"Then maybe you shouldn't give her a reason to be mean to you," the older Frank Iero said grinning at his son.

"Wow, am I witnessing Frank actually acting like a father," Uncle Gee joked.

"I am a father, Gerard. I act like one a lot," Frank defended.

"I've never seen it before. That's amazing."

"Hey, you're a father too!"

"My kids are both under the age of five, so I don't have to act as fatherly as you."

"Both of you shut up. Neither of you are acting very fatherly right now, so it doesn't matter," Mikey intervened. "We have our sound check in a few minutes anyway. So stop acting like little kids and act like adult band members."

They both mumbled angrily, but then were quiet the remaining minutes of the ride. We pulled into a big parking lot shortly after the ordeal. The 30 Seconds to Mars bus was already sitting in the lot. As soon as the bus was stopped I was outside.

"Ah, sweet sweet not moving ground," I shouted dancing around. The other were slowly getting off the bus. "I'm going to see my dad." I rushed off to their bus knocking loudly.


"Uncle Shannon! How are you?"

"I'm good. Come on in, your dad's here somewhere. I'll get him," my uncle said stepping through his bus.

"Jade-Lynne! How are you, Honey? Are you excited about this tour," my dad said seeing me.

"I am excited, but actually right now I have to go to sound check. I wanted to stop by though."

"Okay, Hun."

"Come back soon, Sweetheart! Hang with me," Uncle Shannon called.

"Yeah, see you," I waved before scampering off.