Tales Of Twisted Faith

Chapter 30

"Was zum teufel, Jade?"

"I'm sorry?"

"Sie gerade verletzt meine gefuhle," he murmured, pouting slightly.

"Jade, what is your foreign friend saying," Uncle Shannon asked looking at us curiously.

"I'm not sure actually. That could be a bad thing," I grumbled.

"I'm not going to say anything bad about you, schlampe," Alistair said innocently.

"You just called me a slut didn't you," I gasped.

"Did you just fucking call my daughter a slut," my dad practically shouted. It frightened Alistair, I could tell that much.

"People called Mercy a slut before," uncle Shannon said not even looking up from his magazine.

"I beat them to a bloody pulp for it," my dad said as if living in memories. Alistair shuttered beside me.

"Then you got her pregnant."

"Hey! I don't want my daughter hearing this!"

"I really don't want to hear it either," I said standing up. "Dad, got any water?"


"Alistair, want anything?"

"Sure, you know that you don't just have to call me 'Alistair'."

"I know. I just like saying Alistair, it's cool. Better than 'Jake' or something."

"If you say so," he shrugged.

"Never doubt Jade's word. It's the most honest out there."

"Shut up Dad."
