Tales Of Twisted Faith

Chapter 32

"Aw, isn't that adorable?"

"Yeah, about time too. They should just go for it. Who cares what people think, right?"

"Exactly," the first voice answered.

My eyes fluttered open, taking in my surroundings. I was pushed against the wall of my bung, which was funny because I was near the edge when I fell asleep. The blankets ere pulled up high, keeping me slightly over heated. I looked to my left and saw Frankie lightly sleeping, cuddling next to me without getting too close. He had a small smile covering his face. I could see a slight trace where tears one fell. I couldn't help but wonder what caused those tears, yet could get him to smile in the same moment. I fought the urge to coo at this adorable scene.

"Morning Jade," Frankie murmured opening his eyes slowly.

"How did you know I was awake?"

"What, no 'good morning Frankie'?"

"Fine, fine. Good morning Frankie, I hope you enjoyed your rest." I murmured. "Now how did you know I was awake?"

"I didn't," he said smiling happily.

"Why are you so happy this morning," I asked calmly.

"You, babe, just you."

"That's not creepy," I mumbled. "Frankie, could you let me out of the bunk, please?"

"I suppose," he said sitting up and swinging his legs over the side. "Are you getting out?"

"Yeah," I said sitting up and crawling forward.

"Hey, hey, don't crawl off the bed. You would hurt yourself," Frankie said grabbing my waist and pulling me away from the edge, stopping me from getting off. I shifted so that my legs were in front of me.

"Can you let go of me now?"

"No," Frankie answered, his arms tightly holding me.

"Frankie," I whined.

"Shush, didn't anyone ever tell you whining is unattractive?"

"Yes, numerous times; did I care? I would go with, not really."

"Maybe you should take that into consideration now," Frankie said, his tone of voice was unexplainable.

"I'd rather not. Do you know how many 'fan guys' would be after me then?"

"We've only played one show," Frankie said still gripping onto me.

"Yet I still have 'fan guys'. See how weird that is," I smirked knowing it was very likely. "So would you like to let me go?"


"Would you enjoy Mikey coming in here? I can get him if you want. Oh, or maybe your dad; I'm sure Frank would enjoy this," I said coyly.

"Go for it," he said smiling widely.

"Mikey, come here! Frankie, you too," I screamed as loud as I could. Hopefully I wasn't waking anyone up.

"Jade, what did you- Frankie what the hell! Frank, get your son off my daughter," Mikey said loudly, totally skipping the goldfish phase.

"Frankie, what the hell are you doing? Ger away from that poor girl, she needs air," Frank pulled his son off of me.

"Thank you; coffee time," I screamed hopping off my bunk and running to the kitchen room. "Sweet sweet coffee, Uncle Gee, pour me some please."

"Sure, where'd my dear brother go?"

"He went to lecture Frankie on holding girls hostage," I smiled grimly.

"You two did look cozy this morning," Jason said pouring himself some orange juice.

"Shut up Jason, that's a lie. Didn't your daddy teach you that lying is bad?"

"Yes, I just ignored it," he said taking a sip of his drink.

"Of course. Hey, pass me that orange juice."

"What are you going to do with orange juice? You're drinking coffee," Jason asked skeptically, but still passed me it anyway.

"Mix them together, obviously," I said pouring the juice into the coffee.

"Ew," Jason squealed childishly.

"Well, that's Jade for you," Uncle Gerard commented.