Tales Of Twisted Faith

Chapter 34

"We're lost," I complained standing on a huge stage. We ran out of gummy bears half way here.

"We are not lost; we're on the stage. We know exactly where we are," Myriam reasoned.

"Sure, because even though we know where we are, we have no idea how to get back," I replied sarcastically. I really shouldn't be mean to Myriam. It wasn't her fault that we were stuck. I was the one who wanted to explore, she just offered to come along. "Sorry. I guess we just wait here until someone comes. It can't be that long, I mean it's, what time is it?"

"One o'clock, sound check is at three, Jade."

"Shit. Well maybe someone will realize that we're missing and come to find us," I said hopefully.

"Who would think of that? Everyone is pretty clueless," Myriam said shooting down my hopes.

"Hey," I said getting an idea. "Maybe the merch crew is setting up!"

"How will that help us," she asked looking up from her hands.

"Maybe Alistair is out there. He'll help us," I said grinning widely.

"Very 'damsel in distress' of you."

"Shut up, at least we'll get back," I pointed out smugly.

"Fine, lead the way, Snow fucking White." I glowered at her. We walked all the way across the room. I opened the door, smiling gleefully at the fact that all the merch people were in setting up.

"Alistair," I called excitedly.

"Jade-Lynne," he answered waving us over. "Was habt ihr denn hier?"

"English, Hun, we speak English," I reminded him, laughing.

"Oh sorry," he said blushing. "What are you guys doing out here?"

"You see, that's a funny story. Well, we were on the bus for so long and it smelled horribly of dirt and cigarettes, so we came to explore the venue. We were dropping gummy bears, like in Hansel and Gretal, but we ran out of them. The we got stuck out on the stage, so we came out here hoping that you would be here and able to take us back," I giggled awkwardly.

"Sie jungs sind solche idioten. Sure I can do that for you guys. You might have to wait a few minutes until I finish up though."

"We've waited long enough on that stage, I suppose we can wait longer," Myriam sighed impatiently.

"Sorry," I mumbled. After all it was my fault we came exploring in the first place. I sighed sitting down on the ground, hopefully out of the way, to wait for Alistair. Myriam sighed and sat next to me.

"What's up?"

"Nothing, well obviously we're lost and Mikey's probably upset because even though I told him we were going he didn't hear me, and then all this other stuff. Touring isn't stressful; I'm all up for playing my instrument for hundreds of people each night, especially with all of you. It's just everything else," I said letting loose and telling my only female friend on this tour.

"I understand that, tour is pretty relaxing compared to school and stuff. The nerves are awful, but after you get up there it's no big deal. I'm sure Mikey will be okay if you explain the situation. He's cool like that," Myriam provided. It did help me calm down a bit.

"I know; I have incredibly cool parents and step-parents. I'm just a little stressed out because of Frankie. He's all flirty and stuff, you know, and it's only started since, right before tour. It's just driving me mad. All these guys are starting to flirt with me. The 'fan guys', Frankie, Alistair, and before tour, Will. I'm really not an appealing person, am I? I don't feel like it," I confided. This has really been getting to be too much for me.


"Jade-Lynne Leto, sie sind ein erstaunliches madchen. Zweifle nicht immer selbst! Sie sind schon, kreativ, ein grober musiker, sie sind viel mehr als das.. Keiner von uns jungs haben eine chance, mit ihnen, wiel sie, sie sind einfach erstaunlich. Wer je ein tag, gewinnt man wird uber eine sehr gluckliche und sehr beneidet kerl. Sie nicht zuhoren, wenn jeman setzt dich, das ist klishee, aber sie sind nur neidisch. Sie sind erstaunlich, und ich bewundere sie," Alistair said joining the conversation.

"Huh," Myriam said, her face contorted in trying to understand.

"You said that in German," I told him in case he didn't know.

"That was the point. Just know that whatever negative things you think about yourself, aren't true. Trust me," Alistair said, putting his hand on my shoulder. I nodded looking over at Myriam, who still looked slightly confused. "So are you ready to get back to your bus?"

"Yes," Myriam shouted jumping up.

"Someone's excited," Alistair laughed.

"Someone is ready to get back to her bus so that she can eat something, or grab some coffee before sound check. So there," Myriam corrected, practically pulling on Alistair to direct us out.

"Okay, okay chill out. Do you want help up Jade," Alistair asked holding his hand out for me to grab.

"Why not," I shrugged grabbing his hand. He pulled mu up, which I didn't expect. He started walking pulling me along by the hand. I grabbed Myriam's hand, so that it didn't feel awkward and we caught up to Alistair.

"So basically, to get back from here all you have to do is walk down this hall and out those doors and you're at the side of the building. Bands don't usually do that, because fans can see them."

"So once we walk out this door people will see us," Myriam asked.


"Great," I grumbled.

"So here goes nothing," Myriam said pushing open the doors. Even though there was little chance people would know us, there was still a chance.

We almost made it past the line when I heard someone call my name. There were about six people jumping up and down and waving at us.

"Alistair, we have to go over there," I said softly. HE was pulling me towards the buses, shaking his head. "Yes," I said loudly, ripping my hand from his.

"Hey, you need a body guard, let me come," he called after I got a few steps away.

"Whatever," I said holding my hands up and approaching the fans. "Hey guys, how are you this afternoon?"

"We're pretty good," one girl said looking at her friends, they nodded in response.

"So who are you waiting to see tonight, 30 Seconds to Mars, or My Chemical Romance," I asked kindly.

"Both," many of them called.

"Actually, I'm here to see you," one boy called from the back of the group.

"Oh, I'm flattered," I said laughing. "We're not quite as good as either of the other two bands, but thank you."

"No, I'm actually here to see you," he said pushing to the front, where the fence was separating us. "It's me, Will."