Tales Of Twisted Faith

Chapter 35

"Will? How did you know I was playing here?"

"Who is he," Alistair snarled stepping closer to me. I looked over to Myriam who was talking to a couple of girls from the group. She was standing closer to the fence than I was so I couldn't get to her quickly.

"Friend," I said calmly to him. "So are you going to tell me, Will?"

"I went to the show in Chicago, to see the other bands. When you were playing I looked over and saw you; I knew immediately that it was you. Later I called your sister to see if she would give me your phone number, I needed to talk to you. However, she wouldn't give me your number, so I just barely got ticket for this show out here."

"Did you ever think there was a reason her sister didn't give you the number, ruck," Alistair snarled.

"Um, Alistair, are you okay? Maybe I should get you to the bus," I said turning him around before I addressed the others. "Sorry guys, I have to get our merch guy back so that he can sell stuff to you later," I said sincerely.

"Ich mochte, dass ruck geben, was er verlangt."

"Shh Alistair. I'm sorry guys. I hope you enjoy the show!"

"Wait, can you sign this," a girl politely called out.

"Sure, pass it here," I called sticking my hand through the bars of the fence. She handed me a small piece of cloth and a sharpie. I pulled my hand back scribbling my name on it.

"Thank you!"

"You are completely welcome, um-"

"Jessica Molasky," she provided with a big grin.

"You are completely welcome Jessica. Enjoy the show," I shouted before grabbing Myriam's elbow and directing her towards the buses. I grabbed Alistair's hand and pulled him towards the bus. "Alistair, what's going on?"

"Jener Bastard, er haben nicht verstanden. Er verdient zu nicht. Er ist so ein Idiot. Ich wünsche, dass Sie verstehen würden. Wirklich Jade, ich kummere mich um Sie, das und den Sie mich nur nicht sorgen, verdammt es!" We were on my bus by the time he was half way through his rant.

"Does anyone know what the hell he's talking about," I called through the bus. His random spurts of German were quite angering in times like these.

"Frank took German in high school. I'll go get him," Bob said walking to get Frank.

"What's going on, Jade," Frankie asked sitting at a table playing solitaire.

"I have no idea. I have to wait until your dad comes to tell me," I sighed.

"Oh," Frankie nodded taking a sip of whatever he was drinking.

"Jade, what did you need?"

"Frank, could you tell me what he's saying," I asked pointing to the still ranting Alistair.

"Yeah, um, 'that jerk', 'he doesn't deserve you', 'you're amazing'; sorry that's all I can understand. He's talking too fast for me. I think he's talking about someone who's after you or something. Sorry," Frank sighed.

"It's okay. I'll try to calm him down, the constant string of German is slightly annoying." Frank nodded before walking away. I walked over to Alistair, putting my hand on his shoulders. "Hun, calm down."

"Jade, I fucking adore you," he growled before pulling me into a rough kiss.

"What the hell? Get the fuck off her."

This couldn't be good.