Tales Of Twisted Faith

Chapter 36

“Fuck, oh fuck,” I yelled running around the two fighting boys. I was trying to find a way to get them to stop fighting. “Oh fuck. Mikey, Gerard, Frank, Ray, Bob, anyone, help me!”

“Jade, what the fuck are you doing in here,” Mikey asked as he stepped into the room. “What the fuck? Guys, I’m going to need some help here.”

“Yeah, yeah,” the guys each stepped onto the bus taking in the scene at hand.

“Jade, mind getting out of the way,” my uncle hinted scooting me towards my bunk.

“Someone get the German,” Bob said unenthusiastically. I quickly stepped out of the room. I pulled myself onto my bunk and grabbed my laptop. I might as well do something productive, right?

I decided to email my mom, because frankly I missed her a lot! I sighed on noticing I had a couple of emails from Leslie and a bunch of spam. I deleted the spam, not wanting it to take up space. I would email Leslie back later; I was far too lazy now. I clicked open a new email and began to type.

‘Dear Mom,

‘Very formal sounding right? Well anyway, tour has been amazing so far. I love the feeling I get up on stage, knowing that I’m making tons of people happy. I do get a little nervous before hand, but after I get up there it’s amazing.

‘I’ve made a new friend too. His name’s Alistair. He’s really nice and pretty funny. Sometimes he forgets what language he’s supposed to be speaking and rambles away in German. It’s pretty amusing actually.

‘Currently two guys are fighting over me. That’s right, your little Jadey causing fights between boys. --I’m really glad I can joke about this, because the two guys fighting are Alistair and Frankie. Don’t worry about it though; Mikey and the rest of them are taking care of it.

‘Right now we’re only on the other side on Illinois, so I’m not that far away from (one of my) home(s). This is going to be amazing. I haven’t gone incredibly far away from home before, so this is going to be extremely exciting for me.

‘I miss you all a lot. Tell the kids that I say hi! Don’t worry about me, Mikey and Dad are taking really good care of me. (Frankie has too; except for that fight, but that’s not the point.

‘I love you Mom!

‘Much Love,


“Jade,” someone called through the door while knocking on it.


“Can I come in for a moment?”

“Sure,” I said closing my laptop, the email finally sent. “What’s up Frank?”

“Please don’t take this offensively, but we think it would be best if you stayed on your dad’s bus,” he rushed out.

“Because of Frankie,” I said. Even if they wouldn’t admit that it was because of him, I still knew.

“Yes, because of my dreadful son,” Frank laughed. “If you agree to going Myriam will, of course, be going with you. I don’t know how she would feel about living on a bus will all males. Um, yeah,” he laughed awkwardly.

“Sure I’ll go to my dad’s bus. Just let me gather my stuff,: I said jumping off my bed.
