Tales Of Twisted Faith

Chapter 4

"Jade, Jade, Jade, Jade," someone shouted from my room. I knew it wasn't one of my siblings, they weren't allowed to go up my stairs. "Jade-Lynne!" I figured out who it was.

"What do you want Frank Jacob?"

"No fair, I didn't use your middle name," he shouted.

"Dude leave me alone," I mumbled about to fall asleep again.

"Jason's gonna be here in like an hour!"

"He's flying in today," I asked jolting up.

"Ow why did you just collide with my forehead? Your head's fucking hard," Frankie whined rubbing his forehead with the palm of his hand.

"Hey how was I supposed to know you were sitting right there? My head's hard to protect my amazing brain. You don't have to worry because you don't have a brain."

"You're incredibly nice. Why am I even your friend? Anyway Jason's coming in an hour. One, one fucking hour, and we're picking them up from the airport, so you have like twenty fucking minutes to get ready!" Frankie swears a lot when he gets excited, or is angry. Okay, he swears like a fucking sailor all the time!

"Ohmigosh ah," I screamed jumping out of bed. I ran over to my closet and pulled out my favorite outfit. "Chill here a minute," I told Frankie before running down the old set of stairs and racing into the bathroom. I quickly showered before shoving contacts in eyes along with my lip ring in my lip. I masked my eyes in a dark stripe before running back upstairs.

"Jade, why are you so dressed up," Frankie whined from the bed where I left him.

"Jason's coming," I said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Which it should have been.

"You don't dress up when I'm coming," he pouted.

"I see you everyday. Dude where's your stripe," I asked finally looking at him closely. All of us older "MCR kids", as we call ourselves, wear the stripe-mask thing when we meet up.

"I suck at them. I was hoping you'd do it for me, besides I ran out of eyeshadow," he said looking from side to side before laughing.

"Frankie, Frankie, Frankie, what will I do with you? Come here," I applied his stripe before we ran downstairs laughing.

"Mikey are you taking Frankie and I with you?"

"Of course. Frank's going to drop Ivy off here while the four of us go to pick up the wonderful Bryar's."

"Awesome," Frankie and I said jumping up and down.

"Guys chill out." We continued to jump up and down like we didn't hear him.

Soon uncle Frank came in carrying a squirming Ivy in his arms. "Dude Mike, how do you take care of two of these," he pointed to Ivy. "And one of those too? And two other kids?"

"I have a Mercy, she does most of the help," Mikey laughed.

"I find this conversation offensive. I'm going to go tell Mom that we're leaving," I said skipping off to find Mom.

"Hey Mom," I said happily, dragging out the words. "Mikey's taking us to the airport now. Ivy's with the twins."

"Okay Hun. See you guys later," I said skipping, literally, down the hall, back into the living room where everyone else was at.

"So are we going or are you just going to sit there," I asked practically jumping off the walls.

"Yeah, Jade why are you so excited?"

"Because it's Jason, duh," I said rolling my eyes. Mikey and Frank looked at each other before looking between Frankie and I. "Do they know something we don't," I whispered to Frankie.

"I'm not sure," Frankie whispered back. Then he glared at the two men, which confused the heck out of me.

"So let's get out of here," Mikey said ushering us out of the house and into our van. Then we set off to the airport.

Most of the ride was filled with joking and laughter. There were a few awkward glances and looks. It was starting to freak me out, which made Frankie worry. He was the only one who could tell when I got freaked out, well besides my dad.

We quickly stumbled out of van and Frankie and I ran towards the doors. Mikey and Frank were walking closely behind us. They had hoods pulled low on their foreheads. I never understood why that worked. Everyone knows that famous people only wear hoods and sunglasses. Frankie and I just looked like extreme fans of My Chemical Romance. I have black hair, like my mom, I'm not at all like Mikey, I do sort of look like Frank though. Frankie has dark red hair, almost brown, with indigo tips, so he doesn't look like Frank.

We waited in the terminal for the flight out of Chicago to land. Frankie was rocking on his heels and I was taping my fingers on the arms of my chair. Even though I've spent most of the past six years on airplanes I was still impatient. Mikey and Frank, however, were able to sit still and wait calmly. Five minutes later I spotted some blue hair that I recognized. I quickly stood up to get a better look. I want to make sure it's them before I point anyone out.

"Guys, guys! It's Jason, right over there," I shouted jumping up. The blue headed figure looked over at the sound of my voice and waved. We walked over to help them with their bags.

"Jason," I shouted standing right next to him.

"Jade," he shouted back. We grabbed hands and started jumping around in circles. Frankie was standing next to us so we grabbed his hands also. The tree of us were jumping around an airport. We finally calmed down panting for breath. "What's up Frankie," Jason asked after catching his breath.

"Not much. We better get your luggage," Frankie said.

"Nice neon stripe," I said pointing to Jason's yellow face. It stood out against his bright green eyes.

"Thank you. Classic black, I see, nice choice," I nodded before skipping off to the luggage train with Frankie.

"Bob, Katie," I greeted stepping up to my family's dear friends. Katie is Bob's fiancee, they're set to get married in a few months. She has short blond hair that's tipped red, and she often has it in spikes. Her eyes are a haunting, graceful brown.

"Hello Jade. How have you been," Bob asked pulling a bag off to the side.

"I've been good. Would you like some help," I asked politely.

"No, no. I'm sure there's enough of us males to handle these few bags," I nodded showing him I understood. I wanted to yell 'sexist', but I figured that would be rude, and it'd be a bad thing to yell in an airport. Actually it's not good to yell some word with 'sex' in it anywhere.

They grabbed our bags and we stumbled out to our van. Frankie, Jason, and I jumped into the back, with me in the middle, while the luggage was piled in the trunk. Bob and Katie were sort of cuddled up in the middle seat. That was a bit awkward, let me tell you. It was a cute that they were so in love. Strange because we were three teenagers being their son. Frank and Mikey were in their spots up front holding a conversation with Bob and Katie.

"You guys been doing anything that I need to know about," Jason asked looking at us.

"Not that I know of," I said looking at Frankie. He was ignoring us bobbing his head with the music. "Yo Franksicole," I said flicking his ear to get his attention.

"What what? Why'd you have to flick me?"

"Have we done anything important," I asked bouncing up and down.

"Um, no. Why would we have? We're the lamest people in the world," he said shrugging.

"You're not the lamest people in the world. You're pretty freaking awesome. At least in my book," Jason said giggling. I rolled my eyes and tried to look out the window. It was not an easy task because I'd have to look at one of the boys to look out the window.

We pulled into my driveway. I tried to jump out of the car, but I was still in the damned middle seat, in the back of the car. Katie and Bob climbed out of the car and walked into the house behind Mikey. I pushed Frankie out of the car causing him to fall on his ass.

"Sorry Frankie," I giggled, jumping out of the small van.

"Kiss it better?"

"I am not kissing your ass Frankie. Shut up. I'll help you up though," I said grabbing his hand and pulling him to his feet. Jason started laughing before I pushed him to the ground.

"You were always mean. Even as a child, I thought you out grew it. Guess not."

"You're welcome," I said grinning. "Let's go," I said walking into our house. I opened the door and pulled my two idiot best friends into my house.

"Jason how are you," Mom said stopping as she walked past.

"I'm good. Thank you Mrs. Way."

"You are way too polite for your own good," Mom said shaking her head.

"Or he's just an incredible suck up," I chimed in.

"Shush! Jade have you shoved Jason where he's staying?"

"Um no," I asked shakily. I didn't know I was supposed to show him a room.

"Yeah, he and Frankie are staying in the basement room. Might want to get their bags, or at least Jason's."

"Okay," I said stepping back outside. I strolled over to our car opening the trunk. "Jason which ones are your bags," I called looking at the piles of bags.

"Um. These ones," he said walking over and pulled two bags from the bottom of the pile. The rest of the bags pretty much fell on top of me.

"Thanks a lot Jason," I shouted wiggling out from under the bags. Frankie walked over helping me pick up the bags. I smiled gratefully at him while closing the car door.

"C'mon, let's go beat up Jason while we have the chance," Frankie said dragging me into the house. We quickly walked down the stairs to our basement, which also was a band studio, playroom, and family room. Jason was calmly lounging on the couch, his bags tossed by the door.

"What are you doing fucker," I asked swiftly walking over to him. I could have grace when I wanted to.

"I as waiting for you two to stop making out and get your asses in here, but now that you're here. I don't know," Jason said smirking.

"Hey, I don't make jokes about you and Leslie making out all the time!"

"Yeah you do Jade, all the time actually. I should be thanking you for that though," Jason said sitting up and looking at me, grinning widely.

"What? I can now say I am deeply confused," I fell onto the couch across from Jason and stared at the ceiling. Maybe that ceiling would give me the answers.

"They're going out now Jade," Frankie sighed jumping onto my legs.

"Oh shit! Frankie, you could've just broken my legs. You weigh a ton," I shouted. "Oh and that's great Jason. Finally admit that you two are madly in love."

"Yep, when are you guys going to admit that?" The smirk was slapped off my face and was replaced with a completely shocked one. I glanced at Frankie. His face was a red I didn't even know existed. That was always his problem; he could never control how red his face got. It also didn't help that the redder the hair the redder the face. "You guys are so astonishing," Jason giggled from across from me.

"That's such a big word for someone with such a small brain," I said regaining myself.

"Yeah, it probably takes up most of your brain to remember it," Frankie added.

"Yes it does," Jason said smiling at us. It's hard to make fun of your best friends. They usually just add onto the joking.

"Do you guys want to play dolls," I asked skipping over to the door that lead to the play room.

"Heck yes," They both screamed pushing me into the room.

Our basement was sort of divided into a rectangular peace sign, but all the rooms connected to each other. The biggest of the rooms was the family room. It was painted black with a soft shaggy black carpet, but the furnisher was all orange. Inside that room was two TV's, one for video games, three couches and a few big squishy chairs. The play room was painted bright colors. One of the walls was a chalkboard though, so that the kids could draw on it. Everything in the room was soft. We have so many kids at our house it's like running a day care. The last room was the band studio. It looks like a normal studio, with one of those sound proof rooms and then all the controls that fix the sound and stuff. There was a drum set, a few guitars, a couple of basses, and a small leather couch off to one side. I'd be lying if I didn't say it was one of my favorite rooms. I was around ten when they fixed up the basement.

We had been playing dolls for a long time before the small children came down the stairs. Little Kevin was with them so I knew Ray and Helena were here. Soon after the male 'adults' came down to practice. Frankie and Jason got into a conversation with them so I decided to go up and see what Mom and the women were doing.

"Hey Mom, Aunt Jenn, Katie, Helena," I said walking into the kitchen where they all were. Helena is beautiful. She has amazing brunette hair and sparkling hazel eyes. She's pretty tall, which supports my idea even more that she sound be a model. I think she secretly is one.

They said their hellos and continued talking. So this wasn't going to be very interesting. I walked up to my room, which was a long walk, considering I live in the attic. I fell onto my bed, shoving the headphones of my ipod into my ears. I put it at a suitable level and surprisingly fell asleep.