Tales Of Twisted Faith

Chapter 40

“Dad! Can you make us more popcorn,” I called from the ‘living room’ couch. Myriam and I were currently working our way through our fourth movie. My dad was still up trying to stay awake watching movies with us. He had to get up though so he could stay awake.

“Sh, you’re going to wake up Shannon and Tomo. Seriously, be considerate Jade,” Dad scolded walking into the room. Myriam started giggling at me.

“Sorry Dad. I need to stay up someway though.”

“Maybe you should just go to sleep. That sounds like a good idea! Besides, you have a double show to play tomorrow,” Dad commented standing in front of me.

“A double show, and you didn’t tell me before? What kind of father are you,” I asked, shocked. “Fuck I’m going to bed. Sorry Myriam, if I knew about this I wouldn’t have suggested staying up so late.”

“It’s okay Jade. It’s getting sort of late anyway. Goodnight.”

“Goodnight,” I told her before confronting my dad. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

“I thought you knew. Honestly sweetheart. I think you should go to bed,” he said quickly changing the subject.

“Fine, goodnight Dad.”

“Goodnight Jade-Lynne.” I went back to where my bunk was. I quickly climbed in and pulled my blankets around me. My phone rang making me pounce towards it hoping it wouldn’t wake anyone.



“Yeah Frankie,” I sighed.

“I wanted to tell you goodnight,” came his reply through the line.

“Goodnight Frankie.”

“Goodnight my Jade-Lynne. I love you,” he muttered before hanging up.

Frankie loves me?
♠ ♠ ♠
My story is now officially 'over the hill'.