Tales Of Twisted Faith

Chapter 41

"That was so fucking tiring," I complained lying on the ground next to Frankie. We had just finished the first of our two shows for today. It was only one in the afternoon also.

"Maybe if you didn't go to sleep so late last night you wouldn't be tired," Frankie said looking over at me with a smirk firmly on his face.

"Sh, I'm trying to take a nap."

"Shouldn't you lay someplace more comfortable than the ground?"

“Shut up. I like the ground,” I countered unsuccessfully.

“Come on, just move somewhere more comfy. The least you have to do is
move two inches and lay your head on me. I’m cushiony with all this fat,” Frankie said poking his stomach.

“You’re not fat Frankie. You’re just a little pudgy and I find that adorable. Stop calling yourself fat,” I said brushing his hands away from his stomach.

“Look at you Jade. You’re so skinny and beautiful. Perfect,” Frankie sighed. “Now look at me, fat, ugly, not at all close to comparison to you.”

“Frankie, sweetheart, never compare the two of us. We are completely different people. It’s not fair to compare us,” I said trying to make him understand.

“Yeah, you’ll always be better than me.”

“Frankie, stop. I’m not better than you. I know it’s been said thousands of times, but you’re perfect the way you are.”

“But-“ I put my hand over Frankie’s mouth.

“Listen to me. You are perfect. So shut up and stop being such an immature, insecure, stupid girl! God Frankie, you are so perfect,” I said before gripping Frankie into a hug, holding him tightly. He grabbed onto me trying to keep in tears.

“I’m so sorry Jade. I really want to see what you see, but I can’t. I’ll try though.”

“Good. Now can I please take my nap before our next show?”

“Yeah, just go to sleep little Jadey,” Frankie said rubbing my back.

“Mmm, okay.”
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter is really important to me, even though it doesn't have much to do with the story. Well it actually does. It tells us that Frankie is very insecure and Jade doesn't like that. It also shows us how much they care about each other, because they're perfect in each others eyes.

This is also important to me because it's basically a note to myself. When I wrote it I was feeling really bad about myself, so Frankie is basically what I was feeling. Jade was telling me what I should be feeling and not to worry about myself.