Tales Of Twisted Faith

Chapter 42

“Jadey-bear, you need to wake up sweetheart.”

“Leave me alone,” I grumbled swatting away the hands shaking me.

“Jade wake up; there’s only a half an hour until our next show. C’mon Babe.”

“Don’t call me babe Frankie. How long was I asleep,” I asked sitting up and stretching. “Damn my back hurts.”

“Of course your back hurts, you fell asleep on the ground,” Frankie said rubbing my back. “You’ve been asleep for about two hours.”

“Two hours on the ground? Damn.”

“Babe, I moved you. It was about to rain, so you’re on our bus now.”

“Frankie, I told you not to call me that. Thanks though. Should we be going in the venue soon? I mean we only have half an hour,” I contemplated.

“Yeah, we should. Everyone’s there anyway,” Frankie said standing up. He put his hand out to help me up. We walked off the bus with our hoods up in the rain. Frankie was swinging our still intertwined hands. He started singing under his breath, probably warming up.

“What are you singing?”

“I’m not sure.”

“Oh,” I said calmly.

After a few minutes Frankie spoke again, “Jade?”

“Yes,” I answered.

“Will you look at me?” I turned silently to look at Frankie. “Thank you. Do you want to know what Justine and I were talking about the other day?”

“Couldn’t this wait,” I asked anxiously. I was honestly curious; I was just worried about the concert.

“I suppose so,” Frankie said sadly.

“Just tell me now,” I said trying not to hurt Frankie’s feelings.

“Jade look at me.” I turned my head again, slightly jumping at how close Frankie was. His lips were upon mine in an instant. I wasn’t sure what to do. I attempted to copy the way Frankie’s lips were moving, but I’m not sure it worked. Frankie pulled away from me, pecking my lips softly once before kissing my cheek.

“You were talking to my sister about that?”

“Yes,” Frankie grinned pecking my cheek again.

“I really think we should be getting into the venue,” I said trying to distract Frankie from the fact that he just kissed me. My first kiss in the rain, damn one for one.

“Sounds good,” Frankie said swinging our hands happily. Fuck him and his fucking happiness.