Tales Of Twisted Faith

Chapter 44

We were on the road again. Myriam and I were permitted to ride with Frankie and Jason at the time. So of course we were. It's sort of tiring not getting to see two of your best friends all the time when you're on a freaking tour together.

Myriam and Frankie were bouncing off the walls, almost literally. I'm not sure why they were so hyper, I could peg Myriam's excitement on skittles and coffee. I sat there and watched her eat half a jumbo bag of skittles and drink two cups of coffee. I don't know what Frankie's excuse was.

"Jason, what's up with him," I asked pointing to Frankie, who was trying to climb up the wall.

"He ate half a package of sugar, like a pound bag, for breakfast," Jason said shrugging.

"He was allowed to?" Jason nodded looking back at his cell phone. "Damn, you guys need me and Vampire back."

"Of course we do, Babe." Frankie always took on a drunk state when he had too much sugar. He fell onto the couch on top of me and Jason.

"Frankie, when we're legal, you are not allowed any alcohol."

"Aw, why Baby?"

"Do you even know the way that you're acting right now, Frankie," I asked pushing him off of me.

"Like an ass?"

"Exactly. Do you want some water? Water should make you feel better. I'll go get you some," I said standing up and walking to the 'kitchen'. I opened the refrigerator, pulling out a bottle of fresh spring water.

"What are you doing Jade?"

"Hey Frank. I'm just getting your son some water. Why did you let him eat sugar straight from the bag?"

"Fuck, he really did that? I didn't think he was being serious," Frank said looking apologetic.

"Yeah, you know how he gets when he eats too much sugar. You shouldn't have even considered letting him eat it straight," I sighed pulling out a cup and putting some ice in it.

"So you're getting him water?"

"It should calm him down. Water doesn't have any sugar or anything in it, so it should be okay. I don't want him to do anything stupid. I know he'll remember it and shit, so I just don't want him making a fool of himself," I said pouring the crystal clear liquid into the glass.

"Sweetheart, you can't stop him from making a fool of himself."

"Well, I can try to keep him from making it worse."

"You're so adorable. Young love," Frank said sighing.

"We're not in love," I growled uncomfortably.

"Hun, I know young love when I see it, trust me."

"Frank, are you harassing my step-daughter?"

"He is Mikey!"

"Frank," Mikey playfully growled walking into the room. "What are you doing Jade?"

"Getting some water," I said grabbing the glass, that I kept getting side tracked from.

"For my son."

"Shut up Frank," I muttered under my breath.

"Aw, young love," Mikey cooed.

"That's what I said," Frank squealed.

"Shut up," I shouted walking out of the room quickly. "Here's your fucking water." I practically threw the water at Frankie.

"Are you okay Babe?"

"No," I grumbled quietly.

"Come here," Frankie said pulling me into this lap and holding me tightly.

"Aw young love," Mikey and Frank cooed once again while walking past.

"Shut up!"

"That's the problem," Frankie commented. I nodded. "It's okay now."