Tales Of Twisted Faith

Chapter 45

"Oh, oh, you just got owned," Jason shouted to a quite calm Frankie.

"Re-do! It wasn't fair, Jade was distracting me!"

"I was not. I was just sitting here," I defended myself.

"Yeah, and that distracted me."

"Bloody hell! What would you like me to do? Would you like me to go somewhere else while you play video games?"

"Yes, I really would," Frankie said looking at me.

"Like hell, bitch," I said grabbing the game controller from him. "Bring it on Jason!"

"You can totally beat his ass Jade," Myriam encouraged me.

"I know," I shouted as the game began.

"What are you guys doing," Ray asked coming into the sitting area. We were only half way through the game, so I very rudely didn't answer.

"Jade is kicking Jason's ass at this game."

"Awesome. We always used to play video games on tour. Mind if I get the guys and we play with you?"

"Oh, no go for it," Myriam said.


"Ah! I just pwned you newb! Your ass is owned," I shouted jumping up from my seat. The controller went flying from my hands hitting someone.

"Shit Jade-Lynne! That was my fucking head. Damn, those things are hard!"

"I'm sorry Mikey. I didn't mean to drop, er, throw it. I'm sorry," I apologized.

"It's okay Jade. He's just being a baby about it," Uncle Gerard said patting me on the head. "Now lets play this old school style!"

"What do you mean 'old school style'? I thought you could only play a game one way," Myriam said logically.

"Wait and see," Jason told her. Mikey walked over to the entertainment set and pulled out a Nintendo 64. He hooked it up, all of us silent in anticipation.

"Youngest against oldest and so on. That means that you're against Ray, Vampire," Frankie said smiling.

"Ah, the boy knows the name of the game. We're playing Super Smash Brother," Uncle Gerard said smoothly.

"Let the games begin," Bob called as Jason and Gerard picked up the controllers.

Unsurprisingly, Gerard beat Jason quickly. Myriam was up against Ray next. I don't really think she knew what to do, because she lost. It was me against Bob next. This should be easy; I've been playing this game since I was little.

"Oh yeah! That's right, you just got pwned by a fifteen year old girl! Yeah," I sung dancing around.

"Wow Jade, awesome winning skills," Ray commented.

"Yeah, you're making me feel really good about myself," Bob fake cried.

"You're welcome Uncle Bobby," I cooed.

"Ah, not the cuteness. No, no, no ah! Fine, it's okay, I was kidding anyway."

"Awesome, back to the now! Frankie, it's your turn," I said handing my best friend the controls.

"Oh, oh you're against Mikey, this may be hard. Good luck," Gerard laughed. Frankie just smiled and picked his character. The game began and got very intense, very quickly.

"Fucking hell, just finish him off Mikey," I commented. I expected to hear something from Frankie, but I didn't. He was concentrating on his game too much. The intense game was actually very long. In the end, Frankie won causing a big uproar from Mikey.

"How did he beat me? I'm the king of video games, no one beats me!"

"Looks like there's a new king in town," Frankie said smugly.

"A new generation's king is here. Now you guys need a queen," Gerard said officially.

"I vote Jason," I said clearly.

"I don't want the title of 'Queen', thank you."


"I suck at video games," Myriam said.

"Jade, will you be my queen?"
♠ ♠ ♠
So, I got this chapter up. I'm so happy. I had to borrow my cousin's laptop for it, but I got it up for you loves. Thank you so much. I should have another one up soon, I'm not sure how soon, but soon.