Tales Of Twisted Faith

Chapter 46

“That show was intense,” Frankie commented as we walked off stage. We had just played an amazing set. The energy from the crowd was awesome and the kids were even singing along. That was amazing.

“It was! I can’t believe they even sang along,” I said voicing my thoughts.

“That was mad cool. I’m so glad that I’m doing this with you guys. I couldn’t imagine getting anywhere with anyone else,” Frankie said softly.

“You’re so cheesy man,” Jason said shoving him slightly.

“Yeah whatever,” Frankie said shoving him back.

“Hey, hey, guys calm down. Peace, love, and happiness; remember that, no fighting,” I said in a monotone.

“Shut up Jade,” Frankie teased me.

“Tell me to shut up again and I will punch you,” I said roughly.

“What about ‘keep the peace’?”

“This is self defense, love. It doesn’t count,” I said smiling sweetly.

“You guys are idiots,” Myriam said rolling her eyes.

“Thanks Vampire,” I called as she walked away. Jason soon drifted off somewhere also. “So do you wanna go visit Alistair with me?”

“Givin’ him a chance to repent towards you?”

“Exactly,” I said grinning. We walked towards the main entrance area where the merchandise was located. “Alistair, babe, where are you?”

“Jade,” he called back waving his arms.

“What’s up,” I asked standing next to him.

“Doing my job,” Alistair said motioning to the costumers in front of us.

“Let me help then.”

“Me too,” Frankie chimed in.

“You okay with this Al?”

“You guys really want to help,” he asked disbelievingly.


“Alright go for it.”