Tales Of Twisted Faith

Chapter 49

We were traipsing around the venue yard when Dad called us over.

"Hey Jadey! Do you two want to play with us?"

"What are you playing," I yelled back.


"Let's go play. Please Jade," Frankie pleaded calmly.

"Sure," I answered them both. Frankie and I ran over to the group.

"Okay so Jade you're on my team, Frankie you're on the other."

The teams were made up of nine people each. My team, which was named the Beasts for some reason, was me, Frank, Uncle Gerard, Ray, my dad, Tomo, Charlie our bass tech, Alistair, and the old merch guy with the dreads, Kyle. The team Frankie was on, named the Power Rangers, were him, Mikey, Myriam, Bob, Jason, Uncle Shannon, 30 Seconds fill-in bassist, Rose our drum tech, and Jacob a guitar tech. I'd say the teams were pretty evenly matched.

"Alright the touch down lines are the two tour buses. Ours is the My Chem one, so run towards it," Frank directed. "We have the ball. You're a good runner, we'll probably throw to you."

"That sounds great," I responded scoping out the "field".

"This sounds fun! I'm so glad you're on my team, Jade. Jetzt kann ich angreifen, Freund von Ihnen."

"Are you sure you know how to play," Charlie sneered.

"I'm not stupid. I probably know better than you. I haven't been locked up all my life," I said back just as nastily.

"Chill out Jade. This jerk can't handle the fact that your mom never liked him so he's taking it out on you. It's juvenile. Don't worry about it. Let's just play," Uncle Gerard said stepping in.

"Yeah, let's get started!" I ran to my spot and we started.

After a few touch downs and a couple of 'field goals' our game ended. Turns out the Power Rangers won. With a name like Power Rangers, though, how can you not win? They only beat us by a field goal, so it wasn't that bad.

"Great game, Sweetheart."

"Thanks Dad."

"You were awesome Jade," Frankie said hugging me.

"Ew, don't hug me! You're all sweaty."

"So are you," he pointed out quite bluntly.

"Yeah, but I don't want your sweat mixing with mine. That's gross," I complained thoroughly.

"Das ist wohl nicht die einzige Flüssigkeit, er würde wie das Mischen."

"Shut up Alistair. I won't be your friend anymore," I threatened. I wasn't sure what he said, but I'm pretty sure I did not want to know either.

"No no. You love me; don't stop being my friend. I'm sorry Jade," he apologized quickly.

"Dude don't start this again," Frankie sighed next to me.

"I won't. I'm smart now."

"Let's hope."